AD Research Wiki:

The AD Weihnachtsfeier 2023 takes place on Tuesday, December 19 starting from 19:00 h at the following address (home of Hannah and Laura):

Vorstädtleweg 9, 79114 Gundelfingen Google Maps

It's 15-20 minutes by bike from the city center or from Technische Fakultät. The nearest tram stop is Berggasse and it's a 15-minute walk from there. The nearest bus stop is Wildtal Steinmattenstraße and it's a 3-minute walk from there. We can drive you to the tram stop later in the evening, so don't worry about that.

New features (diff to last year) : Induktionskochfeld

Hannah and Laura will provide drinks, snacks, a pot of Chili con Carne and a pot with something vegetarian.

We are happy if you bring something to the table, but you are equally welcome if you just bring yourself. You can also bring ingredients and prepare (or finish preparing it) in our kitchen; see Induktionskochfeld. Spouses and significant others are of course welcome, too!

Whether you bring something or not, please enter your name in the following table (this is Wiki, you can just edit the page):

Who comes

What you will bring


Chili con Carne, something vegetarian, Drinks, Snacks



AD Research Wiki: Weihnachtsfeier2023 (last edited 2023-12-15 00:06:54 by 84)