AD Teaching Wiki:

Error Correction for Question Answering

Type: Project or Thesis, preferably both in succession. Nice topic if you like Deep Learning and Natural Language Processing. The topic is also relatively "stand-alone" in that it does not rely on other complex systems but you can design and build everything yourself from the ground up.

Goal: Design and build a system that accepts a (relatively simple) question in natural language and automatically corrects typos etc. For example, given the question "wo inveted pyton", output "who invented python". This should be realized with a character-based language model learned using deep learning (e.g., with an RNN). One question is whether solving this problem for questions is easier or harder than solving it for arbitrary sentences.

AD Teaching Wiki: BachelorAndMasterProjectsAndTheses/QAErrorCorrection (last edited 2018-04-04 00:39:46 by Hannah Bast)