AD Teaching Wiki:

Background info: Most entities are known under several names. For example, a person like "Ellen DeGeneres" is also known as just "Ellen". A profession like "Astronaut" is also known as "Spaceman", "Spacewoman" or "Cosmsonaut". Knowing these synonyms is key for many NLP (Natural Lanuage Processing) problems. Including complex problems like semantic search and question answering.

Goal: Find synonyms for all entities from Freebase or WikiData or Wikipedia. Evaluate the quality and compare it to existing synonym databases like CrossWikis.

Step 1: Play around with CrossWikis and analyze the main error sources.

Step 2: Collect ideas for constructing a dataset with higher quality.

AD Teaching Wiki: BachelorAndMasterProjectsAndTheses/SynonymFinder (last edited 2020-08-24 09:42:14 by Natalie Prange)