AD Teaching Wiki:

Results for Exercise Sheet 12 (statistical significance tests)

Please add your row to the table below, following the examples already there. Report test results for each of the three test datasets in increasing size (test_ratings_50/test_ratings_200/test_ratings). Specify all numbers in percent, rounded to the first decimal place. Briefly specify your variant and any refinements you might have implemented.


Baseline Precisions

Variant Precisions

p-values T-Test

Additional Information


74.0% / 66.0% / 79.8%

80.0% / 68.0% / 73.2%

47.8% / 67.1% / 0.2%

Variant: logistic regression

AD Teaching Wiki: InformationRetrievalWS1516/ResultsES12 (last edited 2016-01-26 11:12:38 by adpult)