AD Teaching Wiki:

Exam Information Retrieval WS 16/17

Here is the PDF of the written exam.

Here is a sketch of the solution (preliminary and without guarantee)

The written exam for the course took place on Tuesday, February 21, 2017 from 14:00 - 16:30 h in Hörsaal 026+036 in Building 101. The number of students who participated in the exam was 55.

The oral exams (exclusively for the B.Sc. computer science students, everybody else must take the written exam) will take place on the following days (February 22 + 23), 30 minutes each, in room 051-02-28 (office Prof. Bast). After you have registered for the exam, you should be able to see the slot assigned to you in HISinOne. Currently, 17 students are registered.

21-02-2017 @ 22:45: We have now corrected your exams and have entered your grades in the HISinOne.

NOTE: about 10% of the grades could not be entered, because the respective people were not in our HISinOne list of people registered for the exam.

The exam inspection (Klausureinsicht) will take place on THURSDAY, February 23 from 12:00 - 12:45 Uhr in room 51-02-28 (office Prof. Bast = where the lights and the bench are). Note that if just one or two points were missing to get to the next better grade, we already took a second and sometimes third look at the exam to see if these points could be found somewhere.


A maximum of 100 points could be reached. The minimum number of points needed to pass the exam was 50. The assignment of points to marks and the distribution of marks over the participants was as follows (will be updated tomorrow). Note that the counts on the right-hand side sum up to 55, which happens to be the number of people who participated in the exam. This is no coincidence.

95 - 100 : 1.0 ... 1 x 
90 -  94 : 1.3 ... 6 x
85 -  89 : 1.7 ... 4 x 
80 -  84 : 2.0 ... 4 x
75 -  79 : 2.3 ... 2 x
70 -  74 : 2.7 ... 8 x
65 -  69 : 3.0 ... 5 x
60 -  64 : 3.3 ... 11 x
55 -  59 : 3.7 ... 3 x
50 -  54 : 4.0 ... 6 x
below 50 : 5.0 ... 5 x

FAQ about the exam

Will the exam be open book? Yes, you can bring books, paper, etc ... but please be ecological when printing out slides.

What about the oral exams? If you forget some detail, you can just ask us. The type of questions is the same as for the written exam.

What types of questions are there? This is explained in the last lecture of the course (February 7).

Can you give some examples? We will do some examples together in the last lecture.

What about past exams? Very useful for the exam preparation, indeed. They are linked on the main Wiki page.

AD Teaching Wiki: InformationRetrievalWS1617/Exam (last edited 2017-02-22 20:44:44 by Hannah Bast)