AD Teaching Wiki:

TASK 1 (Ranking and evaluation)

1.1 Term-document matrix

1.2 Function for conversion from tf to tf.idf

1.3 Find query with P@2 and AP = 50%

TASK 2 (Encodings)

2.1 Encoding for x = 1, ...,10

2.2 Function for code for x < 16

2.3 Formula for code length for arbitraty x

TASK 3 (Web applications and UTF-8)

3.1 Write HTML

3.2 Write JavaScript

3.3 UTF-8 code for Euro sign

3.4 Function for counting #characters in UTF-8 sequence

TASK 4 (Naive Bayes and k-means)

4.1 Steps of k-means

4.2 Compute centroids from A and P

4.3 Determine w and b of Naive Bayes

4.4 Example such that Naive Bayes decides 2x > y

TASK 5 (Latent Semantic Indexing)

5.1 Show that V is row-orthonormal

5.2 Compute missing S

5.3 Rank of A and making it rank 3

5.4 Function for L2-normalization of a vector

TASK 6 (Miscellaneous)

6.1 Total number of items in a 3-gram index

6.2 SQL query for persons who founded company in city they were born in

6.3 Maximum entropy of distribution given by p1, ..., pn

AD Teaching Wiki: InformationRetrievalWS1617/ExamSolution (last edited 2017-02-21 13:06:35 by Hannah Bast)