AD Teaching Wiki:

Points scheme for the exercises

For programming tasks (code)

If your code does not compile (make compile for Python and C++, ant compile for Java), the exercise will not be graded (= 0 points).
Rationale: otherwise it's a pain for your tutor to look at your code and to find mistakes.

Tests specified in the TIP file must be implemented, otherwise the exercise will not be graded (= 0 points, the content of the test cases is important, not the exact syntax).
Rationale: you just have to do it, do it.

If tests are not specified, you must write one non-trivial unit test per non-trivial method yourself, otherwise 50% of the points are subtracted.
Rationale: a method that is not tested, is usually not correct.

If there are checkstyle errors on Jenkins, your exercise will not be graded (= 0 points).
Rationale: you just have to do it, do it.

If you do not document your code, you risk point subtraction.
Rationale: you just have to do it, do it.

For theoretical tasks (proofs)

Basic idea / approach: 40%
Line of argument: 60%

Example: If you only write down the basic, correct proof idea in some vague sentences, you will get only 40% of the points. However, if your proof idea is wrong, you will get 0 points.

Important: Minor mistakes in your proof are ok and don't lead to any points deduction. But it should be obvious, that you have made some reasonable effort to show the proof.

AD Teaching Wiki: InformationRetrievalWS1819/PointsScheme (last edited 2018-10-15 10:36:37 by adpult)