#acl All:read,write = Results for Exercise Sheet 5 (q-Gram Index) = Add your row to the table below, following the examples already there. In the first column, write your account name, or name1+name2 if you work in a group. For each query, write down the total query time (''Time''), the number of needed PED computations (''#PED'') and the number of returned results (''#RES''). In the last two columns, give details about your programming language and your local machine. || '''Name''' |||||| '''Query: the''' |||||| '''Query: breib''' |||||| '''Query: the BIG lebauski''' ||<|2> '''Language''' ||||<|2>'''Processor / RAM''' || || '''Time''' || '''#PED''' || '''#RES''' || '''Time''' || '''#PED''' || '''#RES''' ||'''Time''' || '''#PED''' || '''#RES''' || {{{ #!html }}}