= Installing the Google C++ Testing Framework (gtest) = == Installing gtest manually == '''Step 1:''' Download the latest (major) version from http://code.google.com/p/googletest, for example: {{{ wget http://googletest.googlecode.com/files/gtest-1.7.0.zip }}} '''Step 2:''' Unpack the archive, change to the corresponding directory and build the code from its source: {{{ unzip gtest-1.7.0.zip cd gtest-1.7.0 ./configure make }}} '''Step 3:''' Install the files, that is, copy them to the proper systems directories (you need to be root or have sudo rights for that): {{{ sudo cp -a include/gtest /usr/local/include sudo cp -a lib/.libs/* /usr/local/lib }}} After that, check that the following files exist (just like for step A2 above): {{{ /usr/local/include/gtest/gtest.h /usr/local/lib/libgtest.a /usr/local/lib/libgtest.so }}} If the library is still not found by the compiler, you can run: {{{ sudo ldconfig }}}