AD Teaching Wiki:

This page describes our reproducibility requirements for all projects and theses supervised by someone from our group.

Access to our SVN and our file system

Right after the very first meeting with your supervisor you will be assigned the following. If for some reason, this does not happen within a day, you should send an email to your supervisor and our system adminstrator Frank Dal-Ri.

1. A subfolder in our SVN with URL[projects|theses]/

Location of your code and small datasets

Your complete code should be in our SVN. Small datasets (of total size less than, say, 500 MB) should also be in our SVN. Large datasets should be in /nfs/students/<username>

There should be a README.txt or in each directory and sub-directory, briefly explaining the contents of the respective directory.


AD Teaching Wiki: Reproducibility (last edited 2018-05-15 21:34:47 by Hannah Bast)