Welcome to the Wiki page of the course '''Search Engines, WS 2009 / 2010'''. Lecturer: [[http://ad.informatik.uni-freiburg.de/staff/bast|Hannah Bast]]. Tutorials: [[http://ad.informatik.uni-freiburg.de/staff/celikik|Marjan Celikik]]. Course web page: [[http://ad.informatik.uni-freiburg.de/teaching/winter-term-2009-2010/suchmaschinen-vorlesung|click here]]. Here are PDFs of the slides of the lectures so far: [[attachment:SearchEnginesWS0910/lecture-1.pdf|Lecture 1]], [[attachment:SearchEnginesWS0910/lecture-2.pdf|Lecture 2]], [[attachment:SearchEnginesWS0910/lecture-3.pdf|Lecture 3]], [[attachment:SearchEnginesWS0910/lecture-4.pdf|Lecture 4]], [[attachment:SearchEnginesWS0910/lecture-5.pdf|Lecture 5]], [[attachment:SearchEnginesWS0910/lecture-6.pdf|Lecture 6]], [[attachment:SearchEnginesWS0910/lecture-7.pdf|Lecture 7]], [[attachment:SearchEnginesWS0910/lecture-8.pdf|Lecture 8]], [[attachment:SearchEnginesWS0910/lecture-9.pdf|Lecture 9]]. Here are the recordings of the lectures so far (except Lecture 2, where we had problems with the microphone), LPD = Lecturnity recording: [[http://vulcano.informatik.uni-freiburg.de/lecturnity/lecture-1.lpd|Recording Lecture 1 (LPD)]], [[http://vulcano.informatik.uni-freiburg.de/lecturnity/lecture-3.lpd|Recording Lecture 3 (LPD)]], [[http://vulcano.informatik.uni-freiburg.de/lecturnity/lecture-4.lpd|Recording Lecture 4 (LPD)]], [[http://vulcano.informatik.uni-freiburg.de/lecturnity/lecture-5.lpd|Recording Lecture 5 (LPD without audio)]], [[http://vulcano.informatik.uni-freiburg.de/lecturnity/lecture-6.lpd|Recording Lecture 6 (LPD)]], [[http://vulcano.informatik.uni-freiburg.de/lecturnity/lecture-7.avi|Recording Lecture 7 (AVI)]], [[http://vulcano.informatik.uni-freiburg.de/lecturnity/lecture-8.avi|Recording Lecture 8 (AVI)]], [[http://vulcano.informatik.uni-freiburg.de/lecturnity/lecture-9.avi|Recording Lecture 9 (AVI)]], [[http://vulcano.informatik.uni-freiburg.de/lecturnity/lecture-10.avi|Recording Lecture 10 (AVI)]]. Here are PDFs of the exercise sheets so far: [[attachment:SearchEnginesWS0910/exercise-1.pdf|Exercise Sheet 1]], [[attachment:SearchEnginesWS0910/exercise-2.pdf|Exercise Sheet 2]], [[attachment:SearchEnginesWS0910/exercise-3.pdf|Exercise Sheet 3]], [[attachment:SearchEnginesWS0910/exercise-4.pdf|Exercise Sheet 4]], [[attachment:SearchEnginesWS0910/exercise-5.pdf|Exercise Sheet 5]], [[attachment:SearchEnginesWS0910/exercise-6.pdf|Exercise Sheet 6]], [[attachment:SearchEnginesWS0910/exercise-7.pdf|Exercise Sheet 7]], [[attachment:SearchEnginesWS0910/exercise-8.pdf|Exercise Sheet 8]], [[attachment:SearchEnginesWS0910/exercise-9.pdf|Exercise Sheet 9]], [[attachment:SearchEnginesWS0910/exercise-10.pdf|Exercise Sheet 10]]. Here are your solutions and comments on the previous exercise sheets: [[SearchEnginesWS0910/ExerciseSheet1|Solutions and Comments 1]], [[SearchEnginesWS0910/ExerciseSheet2|Solutions and Comments 2]], [[SearchEnginesWS0910/ExerciseSheet3|Solutions and Comments 3]], [[SearchEnginesWS0910/ExerciseSheet4|Solutions and Comments 4]], [[SearchEnginesWS0910/ExerciseSheet5|Solutions and Comments 5]], [[SearchEnginesWS0910/ExerciseSheet6|Solutions and Comments 6]], [[SearchEnginesWS0910/ExerciseSheet7|Solutions and Comments 7]], [[SearchEnginesWS0910/ExerciseSheet8|Solutions and Comments 8]], [[SearchEnginesWS0910/ExerciseSheet8|Solutions and Comments 9]]. The recordings of all lectures are now available, see above. Lecture 2 is missing because we had technical problems there. To play the Lecturnity recordings (.lpd files) you need the [[http://www.lecturnity.de/de/download/lecturnity-player|Lecturnity Player, which you can download here]]. I put the Camtasia recordings as .avi files, which you can play with any ordinary video player; I would recommend [[http://www.videolan.org/vlc|VLC]]. [[SearchEnginesWS0910/Rules|Here are the rules for the exercises as explained in Lecture 2]]. [[SearchEnginesWS0910/MidTermExam|Here is everything about the mid-term exam]]. [[SearchEnginesWS0910/ExerciseSheet10|Here you can upload your solutions for Exercise Sheet 10]]. The deadline is Thursday 21Jan10 at 4 pm. == Questions and comments about Exercise Sheet 10 below this line (most recent on top) == Here is a major hint for Exercise 2. There are many ways to prove this, but one of the most natural is via these three steps, each of which is not too hard to prove. Note that, unlike in the lecture, in the hint below I use X' to denote the transpose of a matrix or vector X. This is a common notation in the numerics community (where as the pure algebra people prefer the T superscript). '''Hannah 14Jan10 23:37''' {{{ (1) Prove that for an m x m matrix U with U' * U = I and for an arbitrary m x 1 vector x, the L2-norms of x and U*x are equal. The L2-norm of a vector x is defined as the square root of the sum of the squares of its components. It helps to observe that the square of the L2-norm of x can also be written as x' * x. (2) Prove that for an m x m matrix U with U' * U = I and for an arbitrary m x n matrix A, the L2-norms of A and of U * A are equal. This is easy to prove using (1). (3) Prove that if A has the singular value decomposition U * S * V', then the L2-norm of A is the same as the L2-norm of S. }}}