Welcome to the Wiki page of the course '''Search Engines, WS 2009 / 2010'''. Lecturer: [[http://ad.informatik.uni-freiburg.de/staff/bast|Hannah Bast]]. Tutorials: [[http://ad.informatik.uni-freiburg.de/staff/celikik|Marjan Celikik]]. [[http://ad.informatik.uni-freiburg.de/teaching/winter-term-2009-2010/suchmaschinen-vorlesung|Here is the course web page of the Chair of Algorithms and Data Structures]] Here are the pages for the previous exercise sheets: [we are at the first exercise, so no previous exercise sheets yet] = Exercise Sheet 1 = [[SearchEnginesWS0910/StudentIntros|Introduce yourself on this page please (Exercise 1)]] [TODO: give instruction on what to upload for exercise sheet 1] === Questions, Comments, Exchange below this line please ===