#acl Ina Baumgarten:read,write All:read == CompleteSearch CSV Parser == We have two general-purpose parsers for producing the ''.words'' and ''.docs'' file required for building an index and then search with !CompleteSearch: a CSV Parser and an XML Parser. The CSV Parser is located in the ''parser'' sub-directory of the !CompleteSearch codebase. It can be invoked by {{{ ./CsvParserMain [many options] --base-name= }}} It then looks for a file ''.csv'' and produces ''.words'' and ''.docs'' according to the specified option. For a short description of the most important options, call the program without arguments {{{ ./CsvParserMain }}} Here an explanation for the most typical options by using an example CSV (actually we are using TSVs). The TSV can have as many columns as necessary. Each line describes a document. {{{ author year title Paul Heinz 2010 How to squeeze lemons. Paula Müller 2012 A performance evaluation of algorithms about squeezing lemons. }}} By specifying '''''--full-text'''=author,title'', it is set, which columns shall be searched on a simple request like ''q=lemons''. It is possible to restrict the search to specific columns by using filters and facets. Those can be defined by using '''''--filter'''=author,year,title'' and '''''--facets'''=author,year''. The difference between both of them is, that there is a filter word for each single word in the column, whereas facets words help to find specific phrases. Small examples: ''q=:filter:author:paul*'' finds all documents who are written by someone whose name is Paul, Paula, etc., ''q=:facet:author:Paul_Heinz'' finds the specific author Paul Heinz, ''q=:filter:title:lemons :facet:author:*'' returns the all authors who have written an article about lemons. If there are e.g. several authors for one document, it it possible to write them in one field by separating them with the specified '''''within-field-separator'''=#''. It's necessary to specify, which fields might contain the ''within-field-separator'' by using the option '''''allow-multiple-items'''=author,editor''. The CsvParser supports three different input formats, namely ''json'', ''xml'' and pure ''text''. You can specify the input format of each field by using '''''--field-format'''=author:text,title:xml,year:text,description:json''. Per default each field is handled as ''text''. For facets it's recommended to use ''text'', since CDATA fields and xml entities are not handled right now. Use '''''show='''year,title'' to specify which fields should be returned on a hit. If you want to provide various outputs, specify an '''''info-delimiter'''=~'' - which may not occur within your documents - and define the various outputs, by using a semicolon: ''show=year,title;year,author;year''. You can fetch them by adding the query parameter ''p=0'' for year and title, ''p=1'' for author, year and title, ''p=2'' for year and so on. Moreover it's possible to specify the output format of each show list by appending '':json'' or respectively '':xml'', which is the default anyway. Example: ''show=year,title:json;year,author:xml;year''. Be aware that the CompletionServer does just support a conversion from xml to json, but not support a conversion from json to xml. So, if json is used as output format, it's not possible to return a xml result. If want to prevent an item from being added as facet or within a show field, use '''''--no-show-prefix'''=*''. Example: ''Paula Müller#*Frida Peterson#*Hugo Schmitt''. If the given field is specified as facet, only ''Paula Müller'' is added to the words file. If the given field is part of a show list, only Paula Müller is returned to the user. All words, beside the facet words, can be normalized by using '''''--normalize-words'''''. In this case it's possible to find ''müller'' by searching for ''muller'' or ''mueller'', which depends on the mapping in your maps (utf8.map, iso8859-1.map). Set the option '''''--encoding''''' to either ''utf-8'' or ''iso'' to specify the encoding of your file. The path to the directory, which contains the maps, can be defined by using '''''--maps-directory'''=codebase/utility/''. Default is the directory in which the binaries are called. It is possible to define a field specific score by using '''''--score='''author:3,year:1'' (comma-separated list of : pairs). A field specific ordering can be defined by specifying a comma-separated list of : pairs. We support three different ordering types: order by ''literal'', ''date'' or precision. For example '''''--ordering='''author:literal,price:5.2,release:date'' produces words like '':ordering:author:Paul_Heinz'' (literal), '':ordering:price:0013582'' (number 135.8264 in 5.2 precision) and '':ordering:release:20130824'' (for the input word 24.8.2013). For more information on the supported date formats can be found in the file [[http://ad-svn.informatik.uni-freiburg.de/wsvn/completesearch/codebase/utility/StringConverter.cpp|StringConverter.cpp]] in method ''!StringConverter::convertDate''. For more details, a look at the code that processes these command line options might be helpful. You find them in two files. The code for the general (CSV independent) options can be found in file [[http://ad-svn.informatik.uni-freiburg.de/wsvn/completesearch/codebase/parser/ParserBase.cpp|ParserBase.cpp]] method ''!ParserBase::parseCommandLineOptions''. The code for the CSV-specific options can be found in file [[http://ad-svn.informatik.uni-freiburg.de/wsvn/completesearch/codebase/parser/CsvParserOptions.cpp|CsvParserOptions.cpp]] method ''!CsvParserOptions::parseCommandLineOptions''.