This page tells you how to get started with the Doc``Book authoring system by starting form a very simple template. == Getting the template == Create a new directory, change into this directory, copy and unpack the template file (which can also get from [attachment:DocBookProjectTemplate.tgz this attachment]): {{{ $ mkdir MyDoc $ cd MyDoc/ $ cp ~ziegler/Documents/DocBookProjectTemplate.tgz . $ tar xzf DocBookProjectTemplate.tgz $ rm -f DocBookProjectTemplate.tgz }}} At this point, the directory contains 3 files: {{{ $ ls Book.xml Makefile schemas.xml }}} The file {{{schemas.xml}}} tells Emacs where it can find the Doc``Book schema definition. If you are not using Emacs, you can safely ignore or delete it. == Editing the document == For editing Doc``Book documents, you should always use a ''validating'' editor. Validating editors (sometimes also called schema-aware, DTD-aware, or context sensitive editors) are applications that interactively validate documents against a certain schema or DTD as you edit them. Because they understand the schema or DTD rules, they can make editing documents much easier. For example, if you want to insert a new element at a certain point in a Doc``Book document, a validating editor shows you a list of only those elements that the Doc``Book schema says are valid at that point in the document (instead of showing you a list of all 375+ elements in Doc``Book). You can find a list of validating editors [ here]. Open the file {{{Book.xml}}} in the editor of your choice and study it. It is quite self-explanatory (which is the sense of having verbose markup). If you want to know at which point you can insert which element, look at the Doc``Book Element Reference section in the [ DocBook Definite Guide]. (Or let your validating editor guide you.) The "TDG" (The Definite Guide) is the most important documentation on Doc``Book. == Validating the document == It is very important for the toolchain that your documents validate against the Doc``Book schema. To validate the file {{{Book.xml}}}, enter the following command: {{{ $ make validate java -Xss512K -jar /KM/home-0/ziegler/opt/relames-20060319/relames.jar \ /KM/home-0/ziegler/DocBook/docbook-5.0CR5/rng/docbook.rng Book.xml relmes verifier Copyright(C) Sun Microsystems, Inc. 2001 parsing /KM/home-0/ziegler/DocBook/docbook-5.0CR5/rng/docbook.rng validating Book.xml valid }}} == Creating HTML from your document == As you can see from the previous output, the document is valid. Now you can invoke an XSLT processor to create an HTML version of your document by using the Doc``Book XSLT stylesheets. {{{ $ make html xsltproc -stringparam base.dir result/html/ \ /KM/home-0/ziegler/DocBook/docbook-xsl-1.73.2/html/chunk.xsl Book.xml [...] Writing result/html/index.html for book }}} This creates a directory called {{{result}}} where the resulting HTML pages are written to. In your browser, open the file {{{result/html/index.html}}}. == Useful links == The most important documents on Doc``Book are * [ DocBook 5.0: The Definitive Guide]. Consult this guide when you have a question concerning Doc``Book's grammar and element semantics. * [ DocBook XSL: The Complete Guide]. Consult this guide when you have a question concerning the transformation of your Doc``Book document into HTML or PDF. The official Doc``Book hompage is === FAQ === Dave Pawson maintains the [ DocBook FAQ]. === Mailing Lists === There are two public Doc``Book discussion lists to which you can subscribe. Use the subscription manager to subscribe or unsubscribe from these lists: * : For general Doc``Book questions. These include questions about the DTD or schemas, questions about the syntax or semantics of elements, and general Doc``Book markup questions. Please don’t post questions about the stylesheets, formatting or processing issues, or other application-specific questions to this list. This list is archived [ here] and [ here]. * : For stylesheet and application-related Doc``Book questions. This is the place to ask questions about formatting or processing issues, stylesheets, and other applications. This list is archived [ here] and [ here]. === IRC === Many Doc``Book users, including several members of the Technical Committee regularly hang out on the IRC channel “#docbook” on freenode. === Wiki === There is a Doc``Book wiki at