Differences between revisions 1 and 6 (spanning 5 versions)
Revision 1 as of 2007-11-07 00:17:01
Size: 2218
Editor: 216
Revision 6 as of 2007-11-07 12:29:02
Size: 2781
Editor: mpiat1403
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
Line 14: Line 14:
mkdir www mkdir www # best to make sure that this is your Apache document root, see below
Line 19: Line 19:
Do the following in directory completesearch. Under Windows, do the following in cygwin. Make sure that you have tools like make, svn, and g++ installed! Do the following in directory completesearch. Under Windows, do the following in cygwin. Make sure that you have the tools make, svn, and g++ installed!
Line 22: Line 22:
$ svn checkout svn+ssh://<login>@contact.mpi-sb.mpg.de/KM/ir/SVN/autocomplete
$ mv autocomplete
$ svn checkout svn+ssh://<login>@contact.mpi-sb.mpg.de/KM/ir/SVN/autocomplete src
Line 42: Line 41:
edit: $config->access_log = "...\completesearch\log\access_log";
edit: $config->access_log = "...\completesearch\log\error_log";
edit: $config->access_log = "...\completesearch\log\access.log";
edit: $config->access_log = "...\completesearch\log\error.log";
Line 49: Line 48:
echo <port> ports/<db>.port echo <port> > ports/<db>.port
Line 59: Line 58:
edit: $config->autocomplete_path = "/autocomplete-php/autocomplete/"; // assumes that completesearch/www is your Apaches document root! edit: $config->autocomplete_path = "/autocomplete-php/autocomplete/"; // assumes that completesearch/www is your Apache's document root!
Line 61: Line 60:
edit: $config->application_name = "<port>"; // the port you chose above
Line 64: Line 64:

== 3. Run it ==

Copy the databases you are interested in to the directory databases, e.g

for S in hybrid vocabulary docs.DB; do scp <login>@contact.mpi-sb.mpg.de:/KM/ir/autocomplete/databases/dblp/dblp.$S databases; done

Then start the server, e.g.

cd databases
../src/startCompletionServer[.exe] -S -p <port> -h 200M -l log/dblp.log dblp.hybrid

This is a description of how to set up CompleteSearch on a local machine, e.g. a notebook.

This description assumes that you already have the index(es) build, that is, the files <db>.hybrid, <db>.vocabulary, and <db>.docs.DB are already there.

0. Prepare a directory for the whole thing

cd <whereever>
mkdir completesearch
cd completesearch
mkdir databases
mkdir log
mkdir ports
mkdir www               # best to make sure that this is your Apache document root, see below        

1. Build startCompletionServer

Do the following in directory completesearch. Under Windows, do the following in cygwin. Make sure that you have the tools make, svn, and g++ installed!

$ svn checkout svn+ssh://<login>@contact.mpi-sb.mpg.de/KM/ir/SVN/autocomplete src
$ cd src
$ make startCompletionServer

Note: In the Makefile, the name of the compiler might have to be changed to whatever you have, e.g., g++ -> g++-3.4

2. Get the Web UI stuff (PHP + Javascript)

Do the following once in directory completesearch:

touch logs/access.log
touch logs/error.log
chmod 755 logs/*.log
cd www
cvs -d <login>@contact.mpi-sb.mpg.de:/KM/ir/CVS checkout autocomplete-php
$EDITOR autocomplete_config.php
edit: $config->access_log        = "...\completesearch\log\access.log";  
edit: $config->access_log        = "...\completesearch\log\error.log"; 

Do the following for every collection in directory completesearch:

echo <port> > ports/<db>.port
touch logs
cd www
mkdir <db>
cd <db>
cp -a ../autocomplete-php/index.php .
cp -a ../autocomplete-php/autocomplete_config.php .
cp -a ../autocomplete-php/autocomplete.css .
cp -a ../autocomplete-php/images .
$EDITOR autocomplete_config.php
edit: $config->autocomplete_path = "/autocomplete-php/autocomplete/";      // assumes that completesearch/www is your Apache's document root!
edit: $config->application_name  = "<db>";                                 // only alphanumeric characters allowed :-(
edit: $config->application_name  = "<port>";                               // the port you chose above
edit: $config->encoding          = "utf-8";                                // or iso-8859-1; the encoding used for the words
edit: $config->query_types       = "WHF";                                  // W = words box, H = hits box, F = facets

3. Run it

Copy the databases you are interested in to the directory databases, e.g

for S in hybrid vocabulary docs.DB; do scp <login>@contact.mpi-sb.mpg.de:/KM/ir/autocomplete/databases/dblp/dblp.$S databases; done

Then start the server, e.g.

cd databases
../src/startCompletionServer[.exe] -S -p <port> -h 200M -l log/dblp.log dblp.hybrid

CompleteSearch: completesearch/Local (last edited 2007-11-07 12:29:02 by mpiat1403)