This is a description of how to set up Complete``Search on a local machine, e.g. a notebook. This description assumes that you already have the index(es) build, that is, the files .hybrid, .vocabulary, and .docs.DB are already there. == 0. Prepare a directory for the whole thing == {{{ cd mkdir completesearch cd completesearch mkdir databases mkdir log mkdir ports mkdir www # best to make sure that this is your Apache document root, see below }}} == 1. Build startCompletionServer == Do the following in directory completesearch. Under Windows, do the following in cygwin. Make sure that you have the tools make, svn, and g++ installed! {{{ $ svn checkout svn+ssh:// src $ cd src $ make startCompletionServer }}} Note: In the Makefile, the name of the compiler might have to be changed to whatever you have, e.g., g++ -> g++-3.4 == 2. Get the Web UI stuff (PHP + Javascript) == Do the following ''once'' in directory completesearch: {{{ touch logs/access.log touch logs/error.log chmod 755 logs/*.log cd www cvs -d checkout autocomplete-php $EDITOR autocomplete_config.php edit: $config->access_log = "...\completesearch\log\access.log"; edit: $config->access_log = "...\completesearch\log\error.log"; }}} Do the following ''for every collection'' in directory completesearch: {{{ echo > ports/.port touch logs cd www mkdir cd cp -a ../autocomplete-php/index.php . cp -a ../autocomplete-php/autocomplete_config.php . cp -a ../autocomplete-php/autocomplete.css . cp -a ../autocomplete-php/images . $EDITOR autocomplete_config.php edit: $config->autocomplete_path = "/autocomplete-php/autocomplete/"; // assumes that completesearch/www is your Apache's document root! edit: $config->application_name = ""; // only alphanumeric characters allowed :-( edit: $config->application_name = ""; // the port you chose above edit: $config->encoding = "utf-8"; // or iso-8859-1; the encoding used for the words edit: $config->query_types = "WHF"; // W = words box, H = hits box, F = facets }}} == 3. Run it == Copy the databases you are interested in to the directory databases, e.g {{{ for S in hybrid vocabulary docs.DB; do scp$S databases; done }}} Then start the server, e.g. {{{ cd databases ../src/startCompletionServer[.exe] -S -p -h 200M -l log/dblp.log dblp.hybrid }}}