AD Research Wiki:

How To Write a Blog Post (The technical part)

Writing a blog post hard work already and that's not going to change. Nevertheless we can hope to make at least the actual writing part comfortable.

Writing a Post

As this is still subject to changes I'd like to (at least for now) just refer to the relevant parts of the AD Blog Repositorie's Readme.

With the repository checked out and the hugo binary setup you can start writing posts in your favorite editor simply by having hugo create a an empty draft post for you. If you prefer to do this manually just copy the following post example into content/post/, change the information and add your content.

title: "My Awesome Title"
date: 2018-04-12T12:43:04+02:00
author: "Ada Lovelace"
authorAvatar: "img/ada.jpg"
tags: []
categories: []
image: "img/writing.jpg"
draft: true
Summary goes here
Content goes here

Changing the Title, Description and Menu

These can be changed in the config.[toml|yaml] file. However in the future the syntax (TOML) may change to match the post metadata (YAML)

Changing the About Page

The about page is editable through the content/ file

Deploying Changes

First make sure the draft: key in your posts metadata is set to false otherwise changes will only be visible in preview mode. Also note that posts are only built in non-draft mode if their date is in the past.

This part will probably change in the future but currently deployment is done with the script.

AD Research Wiki: HowTos/Blog (last edited 2018-04-20 09:13:17 by Niklas Schnelle)