= How To Write a Blog Post (The technical part) = Writing a blog post hard work already and that's not going to change. Nevertheless we can hope to make at least the actual writing part comfortable. == Writing a Post == As this is still subject to changes I'd like to (at least for now) just refer to the relevant parts of the [[https://ad-git.informatik.uni-freiburg.de/ad/ad-blog#ad-blog|AD Blog Repositorie's Readme]]. With the repository [[https://ad-git.informatik.uni-freiburg.de/ad/ad-blog#getting-started|checked out]] and the hugo binary [[https://ad-git.informatik.uni-freiburg.de/ad/ad-blog#prerequisites|setup]] you can start writing posts in your favorite editor simply by having hugo [[https://ad-git.informatik.uni-freiburg.de/ad/ad-blog#creating-a-post|create a an empty draft post for you]]. If you prefer to do this manually just copy the following post example into `content/post/my-awesome-title.md`, change the information and add your content. {{{ --- title: "My Awesome Title" date: 2018-04-12T12:43:04+02:00 author: "Ada Lovelace" authorAvatar: "img/ada.jpg" tags: [] categories: [] image: "img/writing.jpg" draft: true --- Summary goes here Content goes here }}} == Changing the Title, Description and Menu == These can be changed in the `config.[toml|yaml]` file. However in the future the syntax (TOML) may change to match the post metadata (YAML) == Changing the About Page == The about page is editable through the `content/about.md` file == Deploying Changes == First make sure the `draft:` key in your posts metadata is set to `false` otherwise changes will only be visible in preview mode. Also note that posts are only built in non-draft mode if their date is in the past. This part will probably change in the future but currently deployment is done with the `deploy.sh` script.