= Polyaxon =

== Installing and Configuring Polyaxon CLI ==
Installing the CLI:

pip[3] install polyaxon-cli
 Keep in mind that the location, were polyaxon is installed, must be on your {{{$PATH}}}. For the previous command polyaxon can e.g. be installed in {{{$HOME/.local/bin}}} (which is usually not on {{{$PATH}}}).

Configuring the CLI (so you can access the server backend on perses):

polyaxon config set --host=perses.informatik.privat --http_port=31811 --ws_port=31812
== Login in to Polyaxon ==
Before you can log in to Polyaxon you will need an account. If you don't have an account yet, send an EMail to naether.markus@gmail.com .

polyaxon login --username=<USERNAME> [--password=<PASSWORD>]
== Using Polyaxon ==
=== Creating new project ===
First, you can create a new project from any place within your filesystem:

polyaxon project create --name=<my-project> --description='My polyaxon project.'
Within a Terminal go to the directory of you project and initialize the previously created project:

polyaxon init <my-project>
Through this command an empty file {{{polyaxonfile.yml}}} will be generated, which can then be edited further to reflect the training of your project. For some small examples take a look at the examples section of this article.

=== Configuring Project ===
A simple example of a project description. Keep in mind to set the {{{kind}}} value correctly (experiment for a single experiment, group for set of experiments).

version: 1

kind: experiment

  image: tensorflow/tensorflow:latest-py3
    - pip3 install --no-cache-dir -U polyaxon-client

  cmd: python3 main.py
A good documentation and overview of the whole syntax and all sections are available through the official documentation of polyaxon: https://docs.polyaxon.com/references/polyaxonfile-yaml-specification/

=== Uploading and running the Project ===
In order to start the training process you must upload the source and tell polyaxon which polyaxon file should be used for execution (the default is {{{polyaxonfile.yml}}}).

Either use to seperate steps:

polyaxon upload
polyaxon run [-f <DESCRIPTION_FILE.yml>]
Or combine both steps into one:

polyaxon run -u [-f <DESCRIPTION_FILE.yml>]
=== Observation of running task ===
Get a list of all experiments:

polyaxon project experiments
Inspect the resources and logs of a specific experiment: Resources:

polyaxon experiment -xp <ID> get

polyaxon experiment -xp <ID> logs [--past]
More information of of the CLI just go to the well documented reference of polyaxon: https://docs.polyaxon.com/references/polyaxon-cli/

=== Retrieving Data ===

Currently we have two different data input directories that can be used:

 * '''/data/1/''': This path directly maps to ```titan:/local/hdd/exports/data/``` and is the normal path you should use.
 * '''/data/local/''': This path maps to ```[rubur/flavus]:/local/ssd/``` should be used for real big datasets with dozens of GB of data.
 * '''/data/datasets/''': This path maps to ```/nfs/datasets/```. Keep in mind that you will only have read access to those directories. 
 * '''/data/students/''': This path maps to ```/nfs/students/```. Keep in mind that you will only have read access to those directories.

=== Saving Data ===

In order to later use e.g. your trained model you have to save it somewhere. When using Polyaxon you can directly use the build in ```get_outputs_path()``` method. 
from polyaxon_client.tracking import get_outputs_path

By using the path provided by ```get_outputs_path()``` for saving your data you will be able to download the files that are saved within this path by using e.g.:
polyaxon experiment -xp <ID> outputs

=== Web-Dashboard ===
Some of the data can also be viewed via the Web-Dashboard which is either directly accessible via: http://perses.informatik.privat:31811

Or by calling:

polyaxon dashboard
=== Examples ===
For a small example one can download the following repository:

git clone https://ad-git.informatik.uni-freiburg.de/ad/polyaxon_demo.git
git clone git@ad-git.informatik.uni-freiburg.de:ad/polyaxon_demo.git
=== Polyaxon Quick Start ===
There is now a small ''Quick Start'' in the official polyaxon documentation available: https://docs.polyaxon.com/concepts/quick-start/

== Polyaxon Integrations ==

For a complete list of possible integrations take a look at [[https://docs.polyaxon.com/integrations/|the official integration page]]. For your purposes one of the following integrations will be the most useful ones:

 * [[https://docs.polyaxon.com/integrations/tensorflow/|Tensorflow]]
 * [[https://docs.polyaxon.com/integrations/pytorch/|PyTorch]]
 * [[https://docs.polyaxon.com/integrations/keras/|Keras]]
 * [[https://docs.polyaxon.com/integrations/jupyter-notebook/|Jupyter Notebook]] (Don't forget to always destroy them if you don't need them anymore!)