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Code is in The Code for CSD is in the subfolder:

Current version

Built by Björn beginning of August 2016 (TODO: copy to elba), Wikipedia version from August 2016 (2.8B postings), latest Freebase dump (freebase-rdf-latest, 372M statements extracted a la Freebase Easy).

Image Cache

To add individual images (for demos, needs access to raid so it can write to cache folder, and img has to have a file extension for convert to work, tested on filicudi, does not work on stromboli because code requires Python version >= 3.3):

python3 ~/broccoli/img-hack/ --mid <MID> --img 'http://...'

HiWi project Kai Haase: see Google Doc.

TODO: Florians code has a mechanism for removing outdated images, which also removes images in the cache which now return a 404 not found (which effectively removes all images from the cache after the shutdown of the Freebase API). This should be corrected. Here is the guilty piece of code from

// If no image could be found (404 error) create a 404 cache file for the
// current id, return a 404 error and end the script.
if ($return_status_code == 404)
  // If there still was an expired cache file then remove it now!
  if ($cachefile_exists)

  // Create a 404 cache file for the current id.
  touch($cachefile_path . '_404');

AD Research Wiki: Projects/Broccoli (last edited 2016-08-16 15:27:19 by Hannah Bast)