= TRAVIC = <> == Build + Install == Code is checked out on elba in /home/brosip/trajserv. To create a Debian package: {{{ make deb }}} A package trajserver_1.0.49-0_amd64.deb can be found in /home/brosip. Afterwards, install with {{{ sudo dpkg -i trajserver_1.0.49-0_amd64.deb }}} Alternatively, it may be installed directly from source without building a package first: {{{ make install }}} Check installation: {{{ $ trajhttpserv --version trajserver v1.0.49-0-g58c84a9, compiled with boost version 1.54.0, using libcurl version 7.35.0 v1.0.49-0-g58c84a9 }}} == Start with GTFS data == {{{ $ trajhttpserv -c -p }}} Will start trajserver, read the GTFS files in and listen on port . A configuration file for the OpenLayers frontend can be found in the repository in cfg/ol.cfg. == Help == {{{ $ trajhttpserv --help }}} == travic.cs.uni-freiburg.de == * Backend is running on elba as brosip, log goes to /home/brosip/trajserver.log * Backend is listening on local port 8989 * Configuration is in /etc/trajserver/trajserver.cfg * Schedule data is in /local/data2/travic * Frontend consists of static HTML/CSS/JS Files in /var/www/travic * Access from outside to both the backend and the frontend files is handled by Apache via /etc/apache2/sites-available/travic.conf