Demos from our (many) student projects and theses <> = Blazegraph Wikidata (Johannes Kalmbach), last tested 2019-08-15 = {{{ ssh panarea sudo su kalmbacj tmux attach -t blazegraph-wikidata || tmux new -s blazegraph-wikidata cd /local/data/johannes-kalmbach/service-0.3.0 ./ }}} Accessible under http://panarea.informatik.privat:9999/bigdata = QLever Wikidata (Florian Kramer), last tested 2018-04-13 = Accessible under ... Choose backend: Wikidata EN+DE @ Vulcano {{{ ssh vulcano tmux attach -t qlever-wikidata || tmux new -s qlever-wikidata Ctrl+B :set -g mouse on /home/kramerfl/QLever/build/ServerMain -p 7002 --patterns -i /local/raid/ad/kramerfl/index/wikidata/wikidata_de_en_02_18 & Ctrl+B+D }}} Note: the previous version mentioned a -m option, for loading the contents of the .patterns file (for Wikidata, the size is 1.8 GB) into memory, which is now the default. The --pattern option is still needed (if one wants to have patterns). = QLever UI (J. Bürklin und D. Kemen), last tested 2019-06-19 = Dataset (version 22-12-2017): ''vulcano:/local/raid/ad/qleverUI/index''<
> QLeverUI code (version 19-06-2019): ''vulcano:/local/raid/ad/qleverUI/git'' (also contains ''db.sqlite3'' from Django)<
> QLever binary (version 10-01-2018): ''vulcano:/local/raid/ad/schnelle/QLever/build/ServerMain''<
> {{{ ssh bast@vulcano # SETUP (already done on vulcano) python migrate # Create initial db.sqlite3 for Django python createsuperuser # Create admin user, bast ist currently admin vim qlever/ # Set DEBUG=False and set ALLOWED_HOSTS appropriately # CREATE VIRTUAL ENVIRONMENT (already done on vulcano) cd /local/raid/ad/qleverUI/svn virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python2.7 venv source venv/bin/activate pip install -r requirements.txt # START QLEVER UI tmux attach -t qlever-ui || tmux new -s qlever-ui cd /local/raid/ad/qleverUI/git source venv/bin/activate python runserver --insecure # AUTOMATICALLY COMPUTE PREFIXES (NEW 29.10.2018) python collectprefixes # JAVASCRIPT FOR RESULT FORMATTING vim /local/raid/ad/qleverUI/svn/backend/static/js/script.js:256 (Funktion getShortStr) }}} = QA Completion (Natalie Prange), last tested 2018-01-18 = {{{ ssh tarka sudo su prangen cd /nfs/raid4/prangen/natalie-prange/ python3 4 8181 [test] }}} With test option, smaller dataset, takes 1 minute; without test takes 4-5 minutes. Then live on http://tarka.informatik.privat:8181 The latest version of the generated questions (2017-10-20) is in ''/nfs/raid4/prangen/qg_output_files/generated_questions_v2010.txt'' (8.5 GB, 49,779,502 questions). Get a random question with: {{{ echo; head -10000000 /nfs/raid4/prangen/qg_output_files/generated_questions_v2010_shuffled.txt | shuf -n 1; echo }}} = Broccoli Scientists (Johannes Güttler), last tested 2018-01-XX = Create Broccoli instance ''!BroccoliScientistsGuettler'' on elba, as described [[|here]]. As of 2018-01-XX, such an instance is already running on elba: The following starts the Broccoli backend with the index data from Johannes Güttler: {{{ ssh elba tmux attach -t BroccoliScientistsGuettler || tmux new -s BroccoliScientistsGuettler cd /local/data2/broccoli/scientists-guettler make start }}} A detailed descriptions of the whole build process (including creating the data from scratch), can be found in [[|SVN:student-theses/johannes-guettler]] = CompleteSearch UI (Olivier Puraye), last tested 2018-01-19 = The project description and live demo can be found under: = CompleteSearch UI (Evgeny Anatskiy), last tested 2018-01-17 = Build the docker image according to the instructions on . The project itself is described in another [[|Github Repo]]. '''Beware:''' in the URL, there must be a trailing slash, otherwise the application will appear to "load forever"