AD Teaching Wiki:

Goal: Decompose the sentences of a given web-size corpus into their semantic components. Requirements:

1. It should work on ClueWeb12 [1]

2. The decomposition should be based on CSD-IE, developed in our group [2].

3. Our current implmentation is based on a rather slow parser. This should be switched to the much faster spaCy parser [3].

4. The output format should be compatible with !QLever (easy), our own SPARQL+Text search engine [4].

[1] We have purchased this dataset and it's available on our file system.

[2] CSD-IE Paper: , CSD-IE Demo: (university-internal ID)


[4] (README, Section 5.1 Input Data)

AD Teaching Wiki: BachelorAndMasterProjectsAndTheses/ClueWebContextDecomposition (last edited 2020-08-24 09:52:01 by Natalie Prange)