AD Teaching Wiki:

You interests/skills: Web programming

A common problem in large institutions / companies / campuses without a central concierge service are missing packages. Someone orders a package, some other person accepted it, and it is now lost. The goal of this project is to create a web application which can be used by such institutions to make it easier to find lost packages.

Goal 1 Develop a web app in which users can enter packages that they are expecting, and packages they have received. The list should be fuzzy-searchable. If you add a package you have received, the app should auto-suggest possible matching candidates. Goal 2 Connect the app to one or multiple tracking APIs (like the DHL API) to show the current status of packages. Goal 3 Implement email notifications.

Extension to a bachelor thesis is possible. The thesis should then result in a polished web application which can be easily configured and deployed. A usable instance for our faculty should be deployed. A usability study should also be conducted.

AD Teaching Wiki: BachelorAndMasterProjectsAndTheses/PackageDeliveryApp (last edited 2020-10-14 13:15:29 by Patrick Brosi)