AD Teaching Wiki:

As a combination of bachelor project / bachelor thesis.

Goal: Given a stream of GPS coordinates (each with a timestamp), static schedule data and optional realtime schedule data, match the GPS device to the most likely public transit schedule or decide that the device is not on public transit at all.


  1. Your tool should be implemented as a backend service with a HTTP interface
  2. A simple GUI should be provided, which either accepts a list of coordinate / timestamp pairs or already uses the GPS stream delivered by the device

Optional requirements:

  1. Track the link between the public transit vehicle and the device. If the device is still following the vehicle course, but with a different position than it currently should have, update the real-time information (delay) accordingly.
  2. Provide a chat for riders of the same vehicle.

AD Teaching Wiki: BachelorAndMasterProjectsAndTheses/PhonesToVehiclesMap (last edited 2021-01-21 17:33:55 by Patrick Brosi)