## page was renamed from BachelorAndMasterProjectsAndTheses/QLever '''Type''': Bachelor or Master thesis, also possible in combination with a project. '''Background info''': Have a look at our [[https://qlever.cs.uni-freiburg.de|QLever demo]] and the links at the bottom, in particular, to our [[https://github.com/ad-freiburg/qlever|GitHub repository]] and various publications. '''Goal''': There are lots of things still to be done for Qlever, like all kinds of missing features and things going not as fast as they could or should. If you like backend development on an open-source project, and if you like or want to learn how to write efficient and beautiful code in C++, this is for you. It makes sense to start this as a (practical) project and then delve deeper scientifically in your theses. Suitable for both bachelor and master students.