AD Teaching Wiki:

As a combination of bachelor project / bachelor thesis.

A river segment (for example, the Rhine between Breisach and Strasbourg) can be thought of as consisting of many small streams and other rivers (tributaries) that contributed to this river. A nice way to visualize this would be a metro map, where each river is a single metro line and multiple (possibly hundreds) of small parallel lines make up a segment of a larger river.

Goal: Generate a graph of the rivers in OSM and try to deduce which river segment is made up of which smaller streams. Render this graph in a pleasing way, or use our tool LOOM to do so.


  1. Generate a geographical graph, as GeoJSON, in which nodes are "river intersections" (where two or more rivers join) and edges are river segments between those intersections. Each edge should have a list of rivers that contributed to it as an attribute.
  2. You should write a tool that can be used from the command line.
  3. The output format should be the GeoJSON format used by LOOM.


  1. Write your own code to render this graph.
  2. Write a web application to display this graph, where you can click on each river and display some useful information.

AD Teaching Wiki: BachelorAndMasterProjectsAndTheses/RiverMap (last edited 2019-04-29 14:32:07 by Patrick Brosi)