AD Teaching Wiki:

Bachelor's and Master's Projects and Thesis at the Chair for Algorithms and Data Structures

Note: this is a new page, created on 07-02-2017. The old page, which was outdated and in a terrible format, can still be found here.

Available projects and theses (click on the titles for more information)

A User Interface for the QLever SPARQL+Text engine (project or theses): This is well-suited as a project (B.Sc. or M.Sc.) but also provides ample opportunity for continuation with a theses (B.Sc. or M.Sc). You should be fond of good user interfaces and have a good taste concerning layout and colors and such things. You should also like knowledge bases and big datasets and searching in them. Supervised by Hannah Bast.

Completed projects and theses

List of completed B.Sc. and M.Sc. theses (each with written thesis and presentation)

List of completed B.Sc. and M.Sc. theses (each with a project website)

AD Teaching Wiki: BachelorAndMasterProjectsAndTheses (last edited 2017-02-07 20:30:21 by Hannah Bast)