#acl Natalie Prange:read,write Matthias Hertel:read,write Theresa Klumpp:read,write Hannah Bast:read,write All:read = Official evaluation of the seminar "Deep Natural Language Processing, WS 2020/2021" = Organizers: [[http://ad.informatik.uni-freiburg.de/staff/hertel|Matthias Hertel]], [[http://ad.informatik.uni-freiburg.de/staff/klumpp|Theresa Klumpp]], [[http://ad.informatik.uni-freiburg.de/staff/prange|Natalie Prange]]. Number of participants in the evaluation: 8. Number of seminar participants: 18. Ratio of these two numbers: 44%. The evaluation was web-based and run via the University's central evaluation system !EvaSys. An email with a personalized link to the online evaluation form was sent by the system on Monday, January 18th, 2021. The evaluation was closed on Saturday, January 30th, 2021. The participation was anonymous. In the following, all comments given in the free-text fields of the evaluation are provided (in the order in which they appear in the !EvaSys report). The comments were copied verbatim, except for a few corrections (wrt orthography, grammar, etc. ... no change of meaning). If you see a comment from yourself which you do not want to appear in this list or if you find a comment that you think was inaccurately transcribed, send an (anonymous, if you prefer) email to Hannah Bast. A statistic of the quantitative questions can be found in the automatically generated [[http://ad-teaching.informatik.uni-freiburg.de/DeepNlpWS2021/evaluation-report.pdf|EvaSys report (PDF)]]. == Nominations for teaching award (4 out of 8) == Theresa, Natalie und Matthias haben einen super Job gemacht. == Quality of the work of the tutor == Betreuer: Matthias und Theresa. Kompetent und hilfsbereit bei Fragen Die Dozenten (Tutoren) konnten sehr hilfreiche Tips geben und waren stets für jegliche Fragen erreichbar. Natalie as main tutor and Matthias as second: They gave good supervision. They directed me to interesting papers and information about my subject, and asked the right questions at the right time to probe my understanding. Also gave good feedback on presentation and demo. Natalie und Matthias waren sehr gute !BetreuerInnen Theresa Klumpp and Natalie Prange, 1.3, they gave very helpful feedback and insights while preparing the presentation and were easy to reach on the forums == In your opinion, what would have been advantages of an in-class version of the course? == ''No results shown, too little feedback'' == Which advantages do you see in the digital realization of the course? == Die Hemmschwelle, Fragen zu stellen, ist niedriger That the material is always digitalized and distributed online. But that can be obtained in a normal setting too. Some students may feel more comfortable asking questions (e.g. in chat), but others again might feel the opposite (it's easier to hide). Everyone is on the same front row seat during a presentation, but group interaction is slow compared to classroom presentations == Do you have any additional comments on the digital realization of the course? == Ich bin sehr froh, dass Ilias in dieser Veranstaltung kein Thema war. Daphne und das Forum ist viel besser. == What did you like about this course? == I liked the interactivity a lot, as well as the helpful team of tutors. The topics were very interesting and the demos gave a good practical example for understanding them Sehr sinnvolle Verknüpfung zwischen Präsentation und selbstersteller Demo-Anwendung. Sehr spannende Themen und Präsentationen The structure of presentation with multiple preparatory sessions and feedback was very nice The topics are interesting. Theresa, Natalie und Matthias haben das Seminar sehr gut geleitet. Ihre Vorträge am Anfang waren gut. Sie waren immer hilfsbereit im Forum. Super. == Where do you see potential for improvement for this course? == Because the seminar doesn't assume much knowledge about deep learning, we had to start on a very basic level to begin with. Maybe have two parallel seminar groups for advanced and basic knowledge? Feedback für Präsentationen vielleicht anhand eines Schemas oder Fragebogens Having two students per presentation topic was frustrating at times I feel like a lot of students did not have basic deep learning knowledge which made it hard for them to dive deeply into their topic. Ich hätte mir gewünscht, dass sich Prof. Bast mehr zurückgezogen hätte. Sie hat sehr viel Platz genommen, als sie bei den Sitzungen dabei war. Als sie nicht da war, war die Atmosphäre entspannter und wir haben viel mehr von Theresa, Natalie und Matthias gehört. Um es ganz klar zu sagen: Ich finde, dass Prof. Bast eine tolle Professorin ist und sie macht Vorlesungen auf einem besseren Niveau, als ich es vorher oder nachher erlebt habe. Aber in dieser Situation, als sie in einer Zuschauerrolle da war, fand ich es störend. Es gab einfach interessantere Diskussionen unter den Studenten, als sie nicht da war.