AD Teaching Wiki:

Troubleshooting some frequent problems with Docker.

A dependency job for docker.service failed (on etna)

Problem: cannot start docker.dock service (we don't yet understand why).

Workaround: sudo dockerd (followed by Ctrl+Z and bg)

Cannot write /home/<user>/.docker

Problem: sudo on Machine X != ustica cannot write /home/<user> (different root users on different machines)

Solution 1: Remove /home/<user>/.docker (not sure whether this always works)

Solution 2: sudo docker --config /tmp build -t <name> . (and maybe also for sudo docker run)

tar cannot change ownership

Problem: the tar command wants to preserve ownership, but has problems even as root because auf UID and GID mismatches.

Solution: add the option --no-same-owner at the end(!) of the tar command


AD Teaching Wiki: DockerTroubleshooting (last edited 2018-05-18 15:13:55 by Hannah Bast)