= Your experimental results for exercise sheet 5 = Please sumarize your results from exercise sheet 5 in a row in the table below. In the first column, write your name (abbreviate if you are in a group, to keep it short). In the second column, put the programming language you used (C++ or Java). In the third column put the preprocessing time (in seconds) and the number of inserted shortcuts. In the fourth column put the average running time (in milliseconds) and the number of settled nodes for 1000 random queries using the Contraction Hierarchies algorithm. In the fifth column put the name of the dataset you computed these average times on (preferably Ba-Wü, but if that didn't work Saarland). In the last column put the used hardware. ||'''Name''' ||'''Language''' ||'''Preprocessing''' ||'''Query-time''' ||'''Dataset''' ||'''Hardware''' || ||Adrian,Kevin,Christoph ||C++ ||3.7s / 244K ||0.4ms / 676 ||Saarland ||Intel Xeon X5560 @ 2.8GHz || ||Adrian,Kevin,Christoph ||C++ ||72.0s / 3093K ||2.1ms / 1861 ||!BaWü ||Intel Xeon X5560 @ 2.8GHz || ||Mirko,Dirk,Kyanoush ||C++ ||7.9s / 242K ||0.2ms / 708 ||Saarland ||Intel Xeon X5560 @ 2.8GHz || ||Mirko,Dirk,Kyanoush ||C++ ||102.4s / 3031K ||1.5ms / 2392 ||!BaWü ||Intel Xeon X5560 @ 2.8GHz || ||Denis, Rebecca ||Java ||190s / 400K ||9ms / 288 ||Saarland ||Intel i7 @ 3.07 GHz || ||Eugen ||C++ ||17.16s / 174K ||0.3ms / 298 ||Saarland ||Intel i5 750 @ 2.7GHz ||