AD Teaching Wiki:

Results for Exercise Sheet 3 (Arc Flags results)

Add your row to the table below, following the examples already there. A*-Straight refers to A* with the straight-line heuristic. A*-Landmarks refers to A* with the landmarks heuristic with 16 landmarks picked at random. As usual, provide the figures (for columns 2 - 5 for both Saarland and Ba-Wü). Provide the query times in milliseconds (ms) please, rounded to the next integer. As noted on the exercise sheet, for the query times of A*-Landmarks do not include the time for the computation of the heuristic function. Last two columns as usual, see the result tables for Exercise Sheet 1, Exercise Sheet 2, and Exercise Sheet 3.


Arc Flags: query time

Arc Flags: #settled nodes

Arc Flags: precomp. time

Typical search space

Processor / RAM



11ms / 111ms

111,111 / 1,111,111

1m11s / 11m01s

TODO: Link

Intel X5560 @ 2.8Ghz / 96 GB


AD Teaching Wiki: EfficientRoutePlanningSS2012/ArcFlagsResults (last edited 2012-05-15 10:26:02 by Hannah Bast)