AD Teaching Wiki:

Results for Exercise Sheet 2 (A* results)

Add your row to the table below, following the examples already there. A*-Straight refers to A* with the straight-line heuristic. A*-Landmarks refers to A* with the landmarks heuristic with 16 landmarks picked at random. As usual, provide the figures (for columns 2 - 5 for both Saarland and Ba-Wü). Provide the query time in milliseconds (ms) please, rounded to the next integer. As noted on the exercise sheet, for the query times of A*-Landmarks do not include the time for the computation of the heuristic function. Last two columns as usual, see the result tables for Exercise Sheet 1 and Exercise Sheet 2.


A*-Straight: query time

A*-Straight: #settled nodes

A*-Landmarks: query time

A*-Landmarks: #settled nodes

A*-Landmarks: precomp. time

Processor / RAM



1.11s / 11.11s

111,111 / 1,111,111

1.11s / 11.11s

111,111 / 1,111,111

1m11s / 11m01s

Intel X5560 @ 2.8Ghz / 96 GB



30ms / 612ms

98,817 / 1,286,541

1ms / 17ms

4,237 / 39,065

0m03s / 0m53s

Intel P8600 @ 2.4Ghz / 4 GB


AD Teaching Wiki: EfficientRoutePlanningSS2012/AstarResults (last edited 2012-05-11 07:27:23 by Hannah Bast)