#acl All:read,write = Results for Exercise Sheet 2 (Dijkstra results) = Add your row to the table below, following the examples already there. LCC refers to the largest connected components. In columns 4 - 6 enter the averages (= total / number of queries) for the execution time of Dijkstra's algorithm (__in seconds, with exactly two digits after the fraction point__), number of nodes settled, and cost of the shortest path (__in minutes + seconds__). If possible, provide the figures for columns 2 - 6 for both Saarland and Ba-Wü (Saarland / Ba-Wü). Last two columns as usual, see the [[EfficientRoutePlanningSS2012/ReadOsmResults|result table for Exercise Sheet 1]]. ||'''Name''' ||'''#nodes LCC''' ||'''#arcs LCC''' ||'''av. query time'''||'''av. #settled nodes'''||'''av. SP cost'''||'''Processor / RAM''' ||'''Language''' || || Example ||1,111,111 / 11,111,111 ||1,111,111 / 11,111,111||1.11s / 11.11s || 111,111 / 1,111,111|| 11m01s / 111m11s ||Intel X5560 @ 2.8Ghz / 96 GB || C++|| || SE KF ||213,567 / 2,458,230 ||225,506 / 2,613,338||0.03s / 0.54s || 111,639 / 1,210,910|| 28m46s / 88m15s ||Intel P8600 @ 2.4Ghz / 4 GB || C++|| ||Jens S||213,567 / 2,458,230||225,506 / 2,613,362|| 0.06s / 1.01s || 100,854 / 1,231,154||2006m31s / 6830m04s (möööp.TODO!)||AMD X2 250 @ 3.0Ghz / 4GB||C++|| ||viktor||213,567 / 2,458,230||225,506 / 2,613,338|| 0.26s / 58.44s ||111,607 / 1,301,940||22m49s / 80m45s||Intel T9300 @ 2.5GHz / 4 GB||Java||