Welcome to the Wiki of the course '''Efficient Route Planning''' in the summer term 2011
The course is given by Prof. Dr. Hannah Bast and takes place every Friday from 2:15pm until about 3:45pm, in room 00-026 (µ-Saal) in building 101. The first lecture is on Friday, May 6 and the last lecture is on Friday, August 5. There will be no lecture on the following dates: Friday, May 27 (FAM-workshop) and Friday, June 17 (pentecost holidays). That is 13 lectures altogether.
The teaching assistant for this course is Claudius Korzen (korzen@informatik.uni-freiburg.de). The tutors are Mirko Brodesser (mirko.brodesser@gmail.com) and Eugen Sawin (esawin@gmail.com). The responsibles for the supporting systems (Daphne, SVN, Forum, Jenkins) are Jens Hoffmann (hoffmaje@informatik.uni-freiburg.de) and Axel Lehmann (lehmanna@informatik.uni-freiburg.de).
Important Links
Here is the link to Daphne (points and links to your SVN and Jenkins).
Here is the link to the Forum (for annoucements and questions).
Lecture Slides, Video Recordings, Exercise Sheets, and Code
Remark about the video recordings: we have prepared videos in different formats, in particular: .m4v, .mp4, and .wmv. If you click on one of the links "Video recording" you get that format of which our script thinks that it best fits your device / operating system / browser. If you explicitly want a particular format, simply copy the link address and add the desired extension by hand.