#acl All:read,write
= Results for Exercise Sheet 5 (q-Gram Index) =
Add your row to the table below, following the examples already there. ''Time B'' is the time for the baseline. ''Time Q'' is the time using the q-gram index. ''#PEDs Q'' is the number of PED computations done with the q-gram based algorithm.
In the first column, write your first name, or name1+name2 if you work in a group.
'''Note''': The original dataset had encoding issues. Please measure your times using the corrected [[http://ad-teaching.informatik.uni-freiburg.de/InformationRetrievalWS1516/movie-titles-ascii.txt|dataset]] we uploaded {{{
(Sunday, November 22nd, 17:35h).
|| '''Name''' |||||| '''Query: The H''' |||||| '''Query: Terinator''' |||||| '''Query: Figct Cl''' ||