= Linux Image for the course "Information Retrieval" WS 18/19 = == Download == * [[http://ad-teaching.informatik.uni-freiburg.de/InformationRetrievalWS1819/linux_image.ova|linux_image.ova]] (64Bit, ca. 4.7GB) == Information == Username: ''student''<
> Password: ''ir1819'' The image is based on [[http://releases.ubuntu.com/16.04/|Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (Xenial Xerus)]] and was created with [[https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads|VirtualBox 5.2.18]]. The pre-installed packages are: * ant 1.9.6 * C++ Boost 1.58 * flake8 3.3.0 * gcc 5.4.0 * gdb 7.11.1 * gedit 3.18.3 * gtest 1.8.0 * javac 1.8.0 * make 4.1 * numpy 1.13.3 * pdfTeX 3.14159265 * pep8 1.7.0 * pip3 8.1.1 * python3 3.5.2 * scipy 0.19.1 * svn 1.9.3 * vim 7.4 == Changelog == * 1.0 (2018-10-15) * Basic version of the image.