AD Teaching Wiki:

Official evaluation of the course "Information Retrieval, WS 2019/2020"

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Hannah Bast; Assistant: Patrick Brosi; Tutors: Claudius Korzen, Daniel Bindemann, Julian Tischner, Andreas Woitzick. Number of participants in the evaluation: 74. Number of registrations for the exam: 90 (64 for the written exam + 26 for the oral exam). Ratio of the number of participants in the evaluation ot the number of registrations for the exam: 82%.

The evaluation was web-based and run via the University's central evaluation system EvaSys. A mail with a personalized link to the online evaluation form was sent by the system on Monday, January 20th 2020. The evaluation was closed on Sunday, palindrome day (02-02-2020). The participation was anonymous.

The evaluation was also announced to the participants of the course in Lecture 12, slide 4. Participation was also asked for as part of Exercise Sheet 12. 20 points were awarded, which were announced to be used to replace the points of the worst exercise sheet (there were 13 exercise sheets overall, for each of which a maximum of 20 points could be achieved). As usual, 50% out of the maximum number of points from the exercise sheets (that is, 130 out of 260 points) were required to pass the Studienleistung associated with this course.

In the following, all comments given in the free-text fields of the evaluation are provided (in the order in which they appear in the EvaSys report). The comments were copied verbatim, except for a few corrections (wrt orthography, grammar, etc. ... no change of meaning). If you see a comment from yourself which you do not want to appear in this list or if you find a comment that you think was inaccurately transcribed, send an (anonymous, if you prefer) email to Hannah Bast.

A statistic of the quantitative questions can be found in the automatically generated EvaSys report (PDF).

Nominations for teaching award (59 out of 69)

What did you like about this course?

Where do you see potential for improvement for this course?

Quality of the work of the tutor

AD Teaching Wiki: InformationRetrievalWS1920/Evaluation (last edited 2020-02-03 09:51:04 by Hannah Bast)