AD Teaching Wiki:

The written exam will take place on Monday, March 18, 2024, from 2:00 pm to 4:30 pm in building 101 in the following rooms, depending on the initial letters of your last name:

The exam begins on time at 2:00 pm. Please make sure to be there at least 15 minutes before the start.

Take a seat at a place where an exam is laid out. You may read the cover sheet and write your name and matriculation number on it, but do not open the exam. Please place your student ID as well as an ID card or passport in front of you on the table.

Also remember that, as announced, you are only allowed to bring a single A4 sheet of paper with content on both sides. No further materials or electronic devices of any kind are allowed.

Leaving early before the end of the exam is not possible. After submitting, please leave the building quietly and only start talking once you are outside.

AD Teaching Wiki: InformationRetrievalWS2324/Exam (last edited 2024-03-16 09:55:17 by adpult)