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Information on the retake exam for "Information Retrieval, WS 23/24" and "Databases and Information Systems, WS 23/24"

The retake exam took place on Monday 09.09.2024 from 14:00 - 16:30 in two rooms in Building 101 of the Faculty of Engineering (HS 026 and HS 036). A total of 48 students were registered for the exam (IR: 16, DBIS: 32, as of 05.08.2024). A total of 25 students showed up (IR: 10, DBIS: 15).

Here is the PDF of the exam and here is a version of the exam with solutions (strictly for personal use only, only for checking, unsuitable for learning.

The exam was corrected on Monday 09.09.2024. Right after the correction, the points per task and the grade for each student were entered in a file retake-exam-result.txt in the SVN folder of the respective student, as well as in the HISinOne.

Students have the opportunity to give feedback on the retake exam in the forum.

The exam inspection will take place in an asynchronous fashion in Heike Hägle's office (Room 02-025 in building 51). More on the exam inspection procedure will be shared in a separate post in the forum.

TODO: grade distribution, other statistics

Text on this page before the exam

The written retake exam will take place on Monday, September 9, 2024, from 14:00 - 16:30 h (2.5 hours) in building 101 of the Faculty of Engineering, in the two big lecture halls 00-026 and 00-036.

The exam begins on time at 14:00 h. Please make sure to be there at least 15 minutes before that time. We will assign you to one of the two rooms onsite.

Take a seat at a place where an exam is laid out. Before the official start, you can read the cover sheet and fill out your name and matriculation number on the top. You are not allowed to open the exam before 14:00 h of that day. Please place your student ID as well as an ID card or passport in front of you on the table.

You are allowed to bring a single A4 sheet of paper with content on both sides, created by yourself. No further materials or electronic devices of any kind are allowed. See .

Leaving early before the end of the exam is not possible. After submitting, please leave the building quietly and only start talking once you are outside.

AD Teaching Wiki: InformationRetrievalWS2324/RetakeExam (last edited 2024-09-16 11:26:32 by Hannah Bast)