#acl Sabine Storandt:read,write Axel Lehmann:read,write All:read = Randomized Algorithms (summer term 2014) = The course is given by [[http://ad.informatik.uni-freiburg.de/staff/storandt|Dr. Sabine Storandt]]. It takes place every Monday and Wednesday from 10:15am until 11:45am in the Hörsaal 03-26 in building 51. '''Topics''' - Las Vegas & Monte Carlo Algorithms - Applications for Randomized Algorithms and Data Structures - Improving Deterministic Bounds via Randomization - Randomization in Games and AI - Randomized Online Algorithms - Probabilistic Method '''Script''' The complete script of the lecture (including further references) will be made available in the course svn repository. The current version (last change: 09.05.14) of the script can be viewed [[https://daphne.informatik.uni-freiburg.de/svn-public/RandomizedAlgorithmsSS2014/public/script.pdf|here.]] (The list of contents may still change during the course of the lecture.) '''Dates''' * 28.04. ''Introduction & Basic Stochastics'' [[https://daphne.informatik.uni-freiburg.de/svn-public/RandomizedAlgorithmsSS2014/public/lectures/Lecture1.pdf|notes]] * 30.04. ''Las Vegas and Monte Carlo Algorithms: Analysis and Concentration Bounds, LV & MC for Max 3-SAT'' [[https://daphne.informatik.uni-freiburg.de/svn-public/RandomizedAlgorithmsSS2014/public/lectures/Lecture2.pdf|notes]] * 05.05. ''k-Select, Approximative Median and Quick-Sort, Deterministic Sorting Lower Bound'' [[https://daphne.informatik.uni-freiburg.de/svn-public/RandomizedAlgorithmsSS2014/public/lectures/Lecture3.pdf|notes]] * 07.05. ''Sorting Lower Bounds continued, Deterministic & Randomized Skip-Lists'' * 12.05. ''Hashing '' * 14.05. ''Exercise. Focus: Deterministic & Randomized Sorting'' * 19.05. * 21.05. * 26.05. * 28.05. * 02.06. * 04.06. * 16.06. * 18.06. * 23.06. * 25.06. * 30.06. * 02.07. * 07.07. * 09.07. * 14.07. * 16.07. * 21.07. * 23.07. * 28.07. * 30.07.