AD Teaching Wiki:

Exercise Sheet 4

The rules for uploading are the same as always. If you forgot them, you can read them again here.

Your solutions (files can only be read by the uploader and by us)

Along with the PDF of your solutions and your source code, please also provide the following two figures, so that all can see them: the maximal time difference you measured between (1) and (2) for Exercise 1, the best speed-up you get from using compression for Exercise 4 (next to last column), and the programming language you used (last column).



Solution (PDF)

Code (ZIP or TGZ)

Factor for Ex. 1

Speed-up for Ex. 4

Progr. Language


Björn Buchhold



sequentiel access btter by roughly factor 1.8 see pdf

compression better by factor ~5.3 (comparing times until int[] is recieved)


AD Teaching Wiki: SearchEnginesWS0910/ExerciseSheet4 (last edited 2009-11-16 20:52:47 by HSI-KBW-078-042-029-035)