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Here are PDFs of the slides of the lectures so far: [[attachment:SearchEnginesWS0910/lecture-1.pdf|Lecture 1]], [[attachment:SearchEnginesWS0910/lecture-2.pdf|Lecture 2]], [[attachment:SearchEnginesWS0910/lecture-3.pdf|Lecture 3]]. | Here are PDFs of the slides of the lectures so far: [[attachment:SearchEnginesWS0910/lecture-1.pdf|Lecture 1]], [[attachment:SearchEnginesWS0910/lecture-2.pdf|Lecture 2]], [[attachment:SearchEnginesWS0910/lecture-3.pdf|Lecture 3]], [[attachment:SearchEnginesWS0910/lecture-4.pdf|Lecture 4]], [[attachment:SearchEnginesWS0910/lecture-5.pdf|Lecture 5]], [[attachment:SearchEnginesWS0910/lecture-6.pdf|Lecture 6]], [[attachment:SearchEnginesWS0910/lecture-7.pdf|Lecture 7]], [[attachment:SearchEnginesWS0910/lecture-8.pdf|Lecture 8]], [[attachment:SearchEnginesWS0910/lecture-9.pdf|Lecture 9]], [[attachment:SearchEnginesWS0910/lecture-10.pdf|Lecture 10]], [[attachment:SearchEnginesWS0910/lecture-11.pdf|Lecture 11]], [[attachment:SearchEnginesWS0910/lecture-12.pdf|Lecture 12]], [[attachment:SearchEnginesWS0910/lecture-13.pdf|Lecture 13]]. |
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Here are the recordings of some of the lectures so far (Lecture 1 still missing, in Lecture 2 the microphone signal did not come through): [[,_Lecture_3,_5Nov09_1_05_11_2009_16_16_20.html|Lecture 3]] | Here are the recordings of the lectures so far (except Lecture 2, where we had problems with the microphone), LPD = Lecturnity recording: [[|Recording Lecture 1 (LPD)]], [[|Recording Lecture 3 (LPD)]], [[|Recording Lecture 4 (LPD)]], [[|Recording Lecture 5 (LPD without audio)]], [[|Recording Lecture 6 (LPD)]], [[|Recording Lecture 7 (AVI)]], [[|Recording Lecture 8 (AVI)]], [[|Recording Lecture 9 (AVI)]], [[|Recording Lecture 10 (AVI)]], [[|Recording Lecture 11 (AVI)]], [[|Recording Lecture 12 (AVI)]], [[|Recording Lecture 13 (AVI)]]. To play the Lecturnity recordings (.lpd files) you need the [[|Lecturnity Player, which you can download here]]. I put the Camtasia recordings as .avi files, which you can play with any ordinary video player; I would recommend [[|VLC]]. |
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Here are PDFs of the exercise sheets so far: [[attachment:SearchEnginesWS0910/exercise-1.pdf|Exercise Sheet 1]], [[attachment:SearchEnginesWS0910/exercise-2.pdf|Exercise Sheet 2]], [[attachment:SearchEnginesWS0910/exercise-3.pdf|Exercise Sheet 3]]. | Here are PDFs of the exercise sheets so far: [[attachment:SearchEnginesWS0910/exercise-1.pdf|Exercise Sheet 1]], [[attachment:SearchEnginesWS0910/exercise-2.pdf|Exercise Sheet 2]], [[attachment:SearchEnginesWS0910/exercise-3.pdf|Exercise Sheet 3]], [[attachment:SearchEnginesWS0910/exercise-4.pdf|Exercise Sheet 4]], [[attachment:SearchEnginesWS0910/exercise-5.pdf|Exercise Sheet 5]], [[attachment:SearchEnginesWS0910/exercise-6.pdf|Exercise Sheet 6]], [[attachment:SearchEnginesWS0910/exercise-7.pdf|Exercise Sheet 7]], [[attachment:SearchEnginesWS0910/exercise-8.pdf|Exercise Sheet 8]], [[attachment:SearchEnginesWS0910/exercise-9.pdf|Exercise Sheet 9]], [[attachment:SearchEnginesWS0910/exercise-10.pdf|Exercise Sheet 10]], [[attachment:SearchEnginesWS0910/exercise-11.pdf|Exercise Sheet 11]], [[attachment:SearchEnginesWS0910/exercise-12.pdf|Exercise Sheet 12]], [[attachment:SearchEnginesWS0910/exercise-13.pdf|Exercise Sheet 13]]. |
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Here are your solutions and comments on the previous exercise sheets: [[SearchEnginesWS0910/ExerciseSheet1|Exercise Sheet 1]], [[SearchEnginesWS0910/ExerciseSheet2|Exercise Sheet 2]]. | Here are your solutions and comments on the previous exercise sheets: [[SearchEnginesWS0910/ExerciseSheet1|Solutions and Comments 1]], [[SearchEnginesWS0910/ExerciseSheet2|Solutions and Comments 2]], [[SearchEnginesWS0910/ExerciseSheet3|Solutions and Comments 3]], [[SearchEnginesWS0910/ExerciseSheet4|Solutions and Comments 4]], [[SearchEnginesWS0910/ExerciseSheet5|Solutions and Comments 5]], [[SearchEnginesWS0910/ExerciseSheet6|Solutions and Comments 6]], [[SearchEnginesWS0910/ExerciseSheet7|Solutions and Comments 7]], [[SearchEnginesWS0910/ExerciseSheet8|Solutions and Comments 8]], [[SearchEnginesWS0910/ExerciseSheet9|Solutions and Comments 9]], [[SearchEnginesWS0910/ExerciseSheet10|Solutions and Comments 10]], [[SearchEnginesWS0910/ExerciseSheet11|Solutions and Comments 11]], [[SearchEnginesWS0910/ExerciseSheet12|Solutions and Comments 12]]. Here are our master solutions: [[attachment:SearchEnginesWS0910/solution-midterm.pdf|Master solution for Mid-Term Exam]],[[attachment:SearchEnginesWS0910/solution-9.pdf|Master solution for Exercise Sheet 9]], [[attachment:SearchEnginesWS0910/solution-10.pdf|Master solution for Exercise Sheet 10]]. |
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= Exercise Sheet 3 = Above, you find a link to a published recording of Lecture 3. Please try if that works for you. |
[[SearchEnginesWS0910/MidTermExam|Here is everything about the mid-term exam]]. The final exam is on Friday March 12, 2010. The written exam begins at 2.00 pm in HS 026. The oral exams are scheduled on the same day. |
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[[SearchEnginesWS0910/ExerciseSheet3|Here you can upload your solutions for Exercise Sheet 3]]. | [[SearchEnginesWS0910/ExerciseSheet13|Here is the table with the links to your uploaded solutions for Exercise Sheet 13]]. The deadline is Thursday 11Feb10 16:00. |
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== Questions or comments below this line, most recent on top please == Maybe you could consider putting it on electures - it seems to be the standard place for putting recordings and slides online as far as I know and there are already some solutions for putting lecturnity files online in a platform-independent manner. I don't know if it's practical but it's also nice having all lectures in one place i'd say... '''Alex 7Nov09 18:05''' |
== Questions and comments about Exercise Sheet 13 below this line (most recent on top) == |
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In Linux I see no suitable plugin. I would like to download the .lpd file too. We can test it with our old Lecturnity versions (i have 2.0) and if it doesn't work we can download 4.x at '''Waldemar 7Nov09 12:49''' | Even if it was in one year? '''Johannes 2010-02-05:1719''' |
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Thanks, Paresh, yes I can do that. So do all students have access to the latest version (should be at least 4.x otherwise it will not work I think) of Lecturnity? '''Hannah 6Nov09 11:35pm''' | If you are interested in doing the Bachelor / Master's project (following this course as a block course), please send me an email asap: '''Hannah 4Deb10 19:30''' |
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Hi, yes the recording is working properly after downloading the plug-in. kindly upload the rest files. Also it will be helpful if you could give links to .lpd files since it is easier to download and play them in lecturnity player than browser and one can play them at any time. '''Paresh 6 Nov09 11:25pm''' To Mirko + all: whenever we write "prove", we mean a proof in the mathematical sense. For the exercises, the challenge is often two-fold. You first have to turn the statement of the exercise into a formal statement. Then you have to prove that statement. For Exercise 4 you will first have to specify the order in which the inverted lists should be sorted. Then you have to prove that the document with the i-th largest score (formed by max aggregation), where i <= k, is indeed among one of the k first entries wrt to the specified order, in at least one of the inverted lists. '''Hannah 3Nov09 10:29pm''' About Exercise4: I actually dont know how to to write down (but i think i know how/why it works) the prove of top-k retrieval with the maximum-score. Is it okay to describe it in words or do we have to formalize it in a certain way? '''Mirko 5Nov09 22:21pm''' Ok, I have played around a bit with lecturnity myself, and published Lecture 3, see the link above. For Marjan it worked, he only needed to install some Windows Media plugin for his Firefox. Please also try, and tell me if there are problems. Also tell me if everything goes fine. (It's enough if one or two people tell me.) If it does I will also publish Lecture 1. Lecture 2, as I said, is lost to the world forever (well, at least the audio), since audio recording did not work that day. '''Hannah 3Nov09 10:06pm''' Dear Marius + all: Yes, the lectures are recorded, except for Lecture 2, where there were technical problems (no signal from the microphone). I always copy the Lecturnity files to my machine after the lecture, but don't know yet how how to publish them on the web so that they are easily viewable by others. I will meet with our group's technician tomorrow, and ask him about this. Stay tuned! '''Hannah 5Nov09 8:36pm''' Hi, I noticed that you record your lectures. Is it somehow possible to download these recordings or will they be released later? '''Marius Nov5th, 4:54 p.m.''' Hi Waleed, when you create a conflict, it's your responsibility to remove it and not leave a mess behind. If the instructions given when the conflict occurs do not suffice, try to find more information on the Wiki help pages. '''Hannah 3Nov09 9:00pm''' I uploaded my Files and put a new row on table in the excercies sheet 2 page but when i pressed save button it shows me conflict. my version and other version of list. how can i remove conflict? does my assignment is submitted properly or not? '''Waleed''' 3Nov09 |
Here is the [[attachment:HierarchicalClustering.cpp|hierarchical clustering code]] which we have written in the lecture. '''Hannah 2Feb10 18:47''' |
Welcome to the Wiki page of the course Search Engines, WS 2009 / 2010. Lecturer: Hannah Bast. Tutorials: Marjan Celikik. Course web page: click here.
Here are PDFs of the slides of the lectures so far: Lecture 1, Lecture 2, Lecture 3, Lecture 4, Lecture 5, Lecture 6, Lecture 7, Lecture 8, Lecture 9, Lecture 10, Lecture 11, Lecture 12, Lecture 13.
Here are the recordings of the lectures so far (except Lecture 2, where we had problems with the microphone), LPD = Lecturnity recording: Recording Lecture 1 (LPD), Recording Lecture 3 (LPD), Recording Lecture 4 (LPD), Recording Lecture 5 (LPD without audio), Recording Lecture 6 (LPD), Recording Lecture 7 (AVI), Recording Lecture 8 (AVI), Recording Lecture 9 (AVI), Recording Lecture 10 (AVI), Recording Lecture 11 (AVI), Recording Lecture 12 (AVI), Recording Lecture 13 (AVI). To play the Lecturnity recordings (.lpd files) you need the Lecturnity Player, which you can download here. I put the Camtasia recordings as .avi files, which you can play with any ordinary video player; I would recommend VLC.
Here are PDFs of the exercise sheets so far: Exercise Sheet 1, Exercise Sheet 2, Exercise Sheet 3, Exercise Sheet 4, Exercise Sheet 5, Exercise Sheet 6, Exercise Sheet 7, Exercise Sheet 8, Exercise Sheet 9, Exercise Sheet 10, Exercise Sheet 11, Exercise Sheet 12, Exercise Sheet 13.
Here are your solutions and comments on the previous exercise sheets: Solutions and Comments 1, Solutions and Comments 2, Solutions and Comments 3, Solutions and Comments 4, Solutions and Comments 5, Solutions and Comments 6, Solutions and Comments 7, Solutions and Comments 8, Solutions and Comments 9, Solutions and Comments 10, Solutions and Comments 11, Solutions and Comments 12.
Here are our master solutions: Master solution for Mid-Term Exam,Master solution for Exercise Sheet 9, Master solution for Exercise Sheet 10.
Here are the rules for the exercises as explained in Lecture 2.
Here is everything about the mid-term exam. The final exam is on Friday March 12, 2010. The written exam begins at 2.00 pm in HS 026. The oral exams are scheduled on the same day.
Here is the table with the links to your uploaded solutions for Exercise Sheet 13. The deadline is Thursday 11Feb10 16:00.
Questions and comments about Exercise Sheet 13 below this line (most recent on top)
Even if it was in one year? Johannes 2010-02-05:1719
If you are interested in doing the Bachelor / Master's project (following this course as a block course), please send me an email asap: Hannah 4Deb10 19:30
Here is the hierarchical clustering code which we have written in the lecture. Hannah 2Feb10 18:47