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Welcome to the Wiki page of the course Search Engines, WS 2009 / 2010. Lecturer: Hannah Bast. Tutorials: Marjan Celikik. Course web page: click here.

Here are PDFs of the slides of the lectures so far: Lecture 1, Lecture 2, Lecture 3, Lecture 4, Lecture 5, Lecture 6, Lecture 7, Lecture 8.

Here are .lpd files of the recordings of the lectures so far (except Lecture 2, where we had problems with the microphone): Recording Lecture 1, Recording Lecture 3, Recording Lecture 4, Recording Lecture 5 (no audio), Recording Lecture 6 (with audio for a change), Recording Lecture 7 (AVI), Recording Lecture 8 (AVI).

Here are PDFs of the exercise sheets so far: Exercise Sheet 1, Exercise Sheet 2, Exercise Sheet 3, Exercise Sheet 4, Exercise Sheet 5, Exercise Sheet 6, Exercise Sheet 7, Exercise Sheet 8.

Here are your solutions and comments on the previous exercise sheets: Solutions and Comments 1, Solutions and Comments 2, Solutions and Comments 3, Solutions and Comments 4, Solutions and Comments 5, Solutions and Comments 6, Solutions and Comments 7.

Exercise Sheet 8

The recordings of all lectures are now available, see above. Lecture 2 is missing because we had technical problems there. To play the Lecturnity recordings (.lpd files) you need the Lecturnity Player, which you can download here. I put the Camtasia recordings as .avi files, which you can play with any ordinary video player; I would recommend VLC.

Here are the rules for the exercises as explained in Lecture 2.

Here you can upload your solutions for Exercise Sheet 8.

Questions or comments below this line, most recent on top please

Thanks for the link, Alex, can you please explain the thing with the "bonus point of the exercise"? Is it that there were 15 bonus points to reach in the exercises? How many tasks in the exercises got bonus points and how many didn't? And the non-bonus tasks than only counted for admission to the exam? Hannah 13Dec09 23:36

I quite liked this scheme, although it does not put that much weight on the exercises: alex 13Dec09 23:17

Can someone please post the details of one of the existing bonus systems here? (Something like: for xyz % of the exercises, you can improve your exam mark by abc.) Or the links to a course site where these details are given. Thanks! Hannah 13Dec09 23:09

To Mirko + all: Yes, it's d, I don't know how I've missed this one. Marjan 12Dec09 13:16

About Exercise 1: in the second part, is it really delta? shouldn't it be d? Mirko 12Dec09, 12:43

AD Teaching Wiki: SearchEnginesWS0910 (last edited 2009-12-13 23:35:18 by p54A5E8BB)