AD Teaching Wiki:

Results for Exercise Sheet 2 (Dijkstra results)

Add your row to the table below, following the examples already there. LCC refers to the largest connected components. In columns 4 - 6 enter the averages (= total / number of queries) for the execution time of Dijkstra's algorithm in seconds (_precision: two digits after the fraction point_), number of nodes settled, and cost of the shortest (path _in seconds_). If possible, provide the figures for columns 2 - 6 for both Saarland and BaWü (separately). Last two columns as usual, see the result table for Exercise Sheet 1.


#nodes LCC

#arcs LCC

av. query time

av. #settled nodes

av. SP cost

Processor / RAM



1,111,111 / 11,111,111

1,111,111 / 11,111,111

1.11 / 11.11

111,111 / 1,111,111

11,1111 / 111,111

Intel X5560 @ 2.8Ghz / 96 GB


AD Teaching Wiki: EfficientRoutePlanningSS2012/DijkstraResults (last edited 2012-05-04 18:01:47 by Hannah Bast)