AD Teaching Wiki:

Results for Exercise Sheet 1 (OSM file -> graph)

Add your row to the table below, following the examples already there. The #arcs is supposed to be the number of undirected graphs, that is, half the number of entries in the arrays of your Array<Array<Arc>>. If any of the words you use in your row are in CamelCase, put an exclamation mark in front of them (see the raw Wiki text), so that the Wiki does not mistake it for a link.


#nodes: Saarland / BaWü

#arcs: Saarland / BaWü

Time to read + construct

Processor / RAM


11,111 / 1,111,111

111,111 / 11,111,111

1min11sec / 11min01sec

Intel X5560 @ 2.80Ghz / 96 GB

Jens S

1,119,289 / 14,593,458

227,826 / 2,642,949

0min2sec / 0min59sec

AMD II X2 250 / 4 GB

AD Teaching Wiki: EfficientRoutePlanningSS2012/ReadOsmResults (last edited 2012-04-27 22:53:22 by i59F7A856)