AD Teaching Wiki:

Randomized Algorithms (summer term 2014)

The course is given by Dr. Sabine Storandt. It takes place every Monday and Wednesday from 10:15am until 11:45am in the Hörsaal 03-26 in building 51.


- Las Vegas & Monte Carlo Algorithms

- Applications for Randomized Algorithms and Data Structures

- Improving Deterministic Bounds via Randomization

- Randomization in Games and AI

- Randomized Online Algorithms

- Probabilistic Method


The complete script of the lecture (including further references) will be made available in the course svn repository.

The current version (last change: 28.06.14) of the script can be viewed here.

(The list of contents may still change during the course of the lecture.)


The oral exam takes place at 26.08.2014. If you want to take the exam but the date is impossible for you, please write a mail.


1. Preliminaries

2. Randomized Algorithms and Data Structures

3. Going Beyond Deterministic Bounds via Randomization

AD Teaching Wiki: RandomizedAlgorithmsSS2014 (last edited 2014-06-30 07:38:56 by adpult)