Differences between revisions 15 and 70 (spanning 55 versions)
Revision 15 as of 2007-06-04 14:43:59
Size: 1993
Editor: guest-154
Revision 70 as of 2007-12-04 17:49:41
Size: 2343
Editor: mpiat1403
Comment: Link to useful literature
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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= About character encoding (28May07 Markus) = == Documentation (users) ==
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CompletionSearch supports ISO-8859-1 and the multibyte character encoding UTF-8.
UTF-8 is the default encoding with the following consequences:
[wiki:Self:completesearch/Installation Installation Guide]
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 * The $AC->settings->encoding is 'utf-8' unless overriden in autocomplete_config.php
 * The texts in text.php are saved as UTF-8
 * The css file uses '@charset "utf-8";'
 * We use mb_strtolower (instead of strtolower) with parameter $AC->settings->encoding to enable UTF-8
[wiki:Self:completesearch/Local Set up the system on a local machine (notebook)]
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We do the following depending on the defined encoding:
 * We UTF-8 encode $AC->settings->capitals if $AC->settings->encoding is UTF-8
 * In ajax.php we UTF-8 encode the query string if $AC->settings->encoding is UTF-8 and the charset of content_type is not UTF-8 (means the request is sent as a non-UTF-8 type)
 * We set the page encoding of index.php, options.php and change_options.php according to $AC->settings->encoding (<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=<?php echo $AC->settings->encoding; ?>">)
 * Texts from text.php are UTF-8 decoded by $AC->get_text() if $AC->settings->encoding is ISO-8859-1
 * We url encode the javascript code in function javascript_rhs (in generate_javascript.php) if $AC->settings->encoding is not UTF-8 (this is not necessary if utf-8 is used)
[wiki:Self:completesearch/IndexBuilding Index Building: Tools, Formats, etc.]
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=== Note: The form attribute accept-charset ===
If the form attribute accept-charset is set to "UTF-8" the form variables are UTF-8 encoded before sent to server (even if the page encoding is not UTF-8).
[wiki:Self:completesearch/DocumentFormats Document Formats: .docs, .words, .vocabulary, etc.]
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== The PHP Apache extension php_mbstring == [wiki:Self:completesearch/CharacterEncoding UTF-8 support for PHP (php_mbstring extension)]
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The use of the mb_strtolower function (and other mb_ functions) requires the extension php_mbstring in php.ini: [wiki:Self:completesearch/PHPErrorReporting Error reporting / handling with PHP]
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In windows:
[wiki:Self:completesearch/Php Problems with PHP]
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or in linux:
[wiki:Self:completesearch/NotesToJavascript Problem including Javascript from external servers]
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(On geek, the mb_... functions were available by default, on Markus' laptop the line above had to be added.)
If this is the first extension you use be sure to have specified the location of the extension with the extension_dir directive.
[wiki:Self:completesearch/CSSBoxModel The CSS Box Model]

== Documentation (developers) ==

[wiki:Self:completesearch/SourceCodeOverview Source code overview]

[http://search.mpi-inf.mpg.de/ir-www/doc Documentation produced by Doxygen]

[wiki:Self:CodingConventions Coding Conventions] and [wiki:Self:completesearch/DesignConventions OO and C++ Design Conventions]

[wiki:Self:completesearch/Debugging Debugging HowTo]

[wiki:Self:completesearch/GNUBuildSystem Building with autoconf/automake] and [wiki:Self:completesearch/CMakeBuildSystem Building with CMake]

[wiki:Self:completesearch/MinGW Compiling under MinGW]

[wiki:Self:completesearch/ExcerptGenerator Excerpt Generator requirements]

[wiki:Self:completesearch/ExcerptGenerator/ThesisTopic Description for a Master's Thesis on Excerpt Generation] [wiki:Self:Projects/ExcerptGeneration Excerpt Generation Project Overview]

[wiki:Self:completesearch/Templates Template peculiarities in the CompleteSearch code]

[wiki:Self:completesearch/CVSHistory CVS history (TODO: what's this; is it still used?)]

[wiki:Self:completesearch/SyslogdAndLogrotate Using syslogd and logrotate to manage the server's log files]

[wiki:Self:completesearch/UsefulLiterature (Secondary) literature that might be useful]

== HowTos ==

[wiki:Self:completesearch/SeleniumRC Testing with SeleniumRC]

[wiki:Self:completesearch/ModPhpStartetExe Have a click on a link start a local application]

[wiki:Self:completesearch/Examples Example programs etc.]

== ToDos ==

[wiki:Self:completesearch/TODO TODO list]

[wiki:Self:NewFeatures New Features that would be nice to have]

Documentation (users)

[wiki:completesearch/Installation Installation Guide]

[wiki:completesearch/Local Set up the system on a local machine (notebook)]

[wiki:completesearch/IndexBuilding Index Building: Tools, Formats, etc.]

[wiki:completesearch/DocumentFormats Document Formats: .docs, .words, .vocabulary, etc.]

[wiki:completesearch/CharacterEncoding UTF-8 support for PHP (php_mbstring extension)]

[wiki:completesearch/PHPErrorReporting Error reporting / handling with PHP]

[wiki:completesearch/Php Problems with PHP]

[wiki:completesearch/NotesToJavascript Problem including Javascript from external servers]

[wiki:completesearch/CSSBoxModel The CSS Box Model]

Documentation (developers)

[wiki:completesearch/SourceCodeOverview Source code overview]

[http://search.mpi-inf.mpg.de/ir-www/doc Documentation produced by Doxygen]

[wiki:CodingConventions Coding Conventions] and [wiki:completesearch/DesignConventions OO and C++ Design Conventions]

[wiki:completesearch/Debugging Debugging HowTo]

[wiki:completesearch/GNUBuildSystem Building with autoconf/automake] and [wiki:completesearch/CMakeBuildSystem Building with CMake]

[wiki:completesearch/MinGW Compiling under MinGW]

[wiki:completesearch/ExcerptGenerator Excerpt Generator requirements]

[wiki:completesearch/ExcerptGenerator/ThesisTopic Description for a Master's Thesis on Excerpt Generation] [wiki:Projects/ExcerptGeneration Excerpt Generation Project Overview]

[wiki:completesearch/Templates Template peculiarities in the CompleteSearch code]

[wiki:completesearch/CVSHistory CVS history (TODO: what's this; is it still used?)]

[wiki:completesearch/SyslogdAndLogrotate Using syslogd and logrotate to manage the server's log files]

[wiki:completesearch/UsefulLiterature (Secondary) literature that might be useful]


[wiki:completesearch/SeleniumRC Testing with SeleniumRC]

[wiki:completesearch/ModPhpStartetExe Have a click on a link start a local application]

[wiki:completesearch/Examples Example programs etc.]


[wiki:completesearch/TODO TODO list]

[wiki:NewFeatures New Features that would be nice to have]

CompleteSearch: FrontPage (last edited 2017-03-19 13:30:19 by Hannah Bast)