Differences between revisions 16 and 83 (spanning 67 versions)
Revision 16 as of 2007-06-04 14:44:48
Size: 1995
Editor: guest-154
Revision 83 as of 2009-10-15 21:06:44
Size: 3467
Editor: HSI-KBW-078-042-028-218
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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= About character encoding (28May07 Markus) = == Documentation (users) ==
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CompletionSearch supports ISO-8859-1 and the multibyte character encoding UTF-8.
UTF-8 is the default encoding with the following consequences:
[wiki:Self:completesearch/Installation Installation Guide]
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 * The $AC->settings->encoding is 'utf-8' unless overriden in autocomplete_config.php
 * The texts in text.php are saved as UTF-8
 * The css file uses '@charset "utf-8";'
 * We use mb_strtolower (instead of strtolower) with parameter $AC->settings->encoding to enable UTF-8
[wiki:Self:completesearch/Local Set up the system on a local machine (notebook)]
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We do the following depending on the defined encoding:
 * We UTF-8 encode $AC->settings->capitals if $AC->settings->encoding is UTF-8
 * In ajax.php we UTF-8 encode the query string if $AC->settings->encoding is UTF-8 and the charset of content_type is not UTF-8 (means the request is sent as a non-UTF-8 type)
 * We set the page encoding of index.php, options.php and change_options.php according to $AC->settings->encoding (<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=<?php echo $AC->settings->encoding; ?>">)
 * Texts from text.php are UTF-8 decoded by $AC->get_text() if $AC->settings->encoding is ISO-8859-1
 * We url encode the javascript code in function javascript_rhs (in generate_javascript.php) if $AC->settings->encoding is not UTF-8 (this is not necessary if utf-8 is used)
[wiki:Self:completesearch/IndexBuilding Index Building: Tools, Formats, etc.]
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=== Note: The form attribute accept-charset ===
If the form attribute accept-charset is set to "UTF-8" the form variables are UTF-8 encoded before sent to server (even if the page encoding is not UTF-8).
[wiki:Self:completesearch/DocumentFormats Document Formats: .docs, .words, .vocabulary, etc.]
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== The PHP Apache extension php_mbstring == [wiki:Self:completesearch/CharacterEncoding UTF-8 support for PHP (php_mbstring extension)]
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The use of the mb_strtolower function (and other mb_ functions) requires the extension php_mbstring in php.ini: [wiki:Self:completesearch/PHPErrorReporting Error reporting / handling with PHP]
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In windows:
[wiki:Self:completesearch/Php Problems with PHP]
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or in linux:
[wiki:Self:completesearch/Glossary Glossary of important terms in search engine technology]
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(On geek, the mb_... functions were available by default, on Markus' laptop the line above had to be added.) == Documentation (developers) ==
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If this is the first extension you use be sure to have specified the location of the extension with the extension_dir directive. [wiki:Self:completesearch/SourceCodeOverview Source code overview]

[http://search.mpi-inf.mpg.de/ir-www/doc Documentation produced by Doxygen]

[wiki:Self:CodingConventions Coding Conventions] and [wiki:Self:completesearch/DesignConventions OO and C++ Design Conventions]

[wiki:Self:completesearch/ProblemsCompiling Typical problems compiling]

[wiki:Self:completesearch/Debugging Debugging HowTo]

[wiki:Self:completesearch/GNUBuildSystem Building with autoconf/automake] and [wiki:Self:completesearch/CMakeBuildSystem Building with CMake]

[wiki:Self:completesearch/MinGW Compiling under MinGW]

[wiki:Self:completesearch/ExcerptGenerator Excerpt Generator requirements]

[wiki:Self:completesearch/ExcerptGenerator/ThesisTopic Description for a Master's Thesis on Excerpt Generation] [wiki:Self:Projects/ExcerptGeneration Excerpt Generation Project Overview]

[wiki:Self:completesearch/Templates Template peculiarities in the CompleteSearch code]

[wiki:Self:completesearch/CVSHistory CVS history (TODO: what's this; is it still used?)]

[wiki:Self:completesearch/SyslogdAndLogrotate Using syslogd and logrotate to manage the server's log files]

[wiki:Self:completesearch/UsefulLiterature (Secondary) literature that might be useful]

[wiki:Self:completesearch/FirefoxBugAbsentCursor Missing cursor on form fields (Firefox bug)]

[wiki:Self:completesearch/NotesToJavascript Problem including Javascript from external servers]

[wiki:Self:completesearch/CSSBoxModel The CSS Box Model]

[wiki:Self:completesearch/QuerySpecification Specification of queries (in German only)]

[wiki:Self:completesearch/InitializationOfCompleteSearch The Initialization of CompleteSearch (in German only)]

[wiki:Self:completesearch/WritingPortableCode Tips for writing portable code]

[wiki:Self:completesearch/CompilingLinkingUnderWindows Compiling and linking against 3rd party libs under Windows (in German only)]

Introductions to testing with test frameworks:
[wiki:Self:completesearch/InstallingAndRunningGoogleTest GoogleTest] (the better one)
[wiki:Self:completesearch/InstallingAndRunningCppUnit CppUnit] (the father of the aforementioned)

== HowTos ==

[wiki:Self:completesearch/ApachePhpWindows Installing Apache + PHP under Windows to work with CompleteSearch]

[wiki:Self:completesearch/SeleniumRC Testing with SeleniumRC]

[wiki:Self:completesearch/ModPhpStartetExe Have a click on a link start a local application]

[wiki:Self:completesearch/Examples Example programs etc.]

[wiki:Self:completesearch/GettingStartedWithDocBook Getting Started With DocBook]

== ToDos ==

[wiki:Self:completesearch/TODO TODO list]

[wiki:Self:NewFeatures New Features that would be nice to have]

Documentation (users)

[wiki:completesearch/Installation Installation Guide]

[wiki:completesearch/Local Set up the system on a local machine (notebook)]

[wiki:completesearch/IndexBuilding Index Building: Tools, Formats, etc.]

[wiki:completesearch/DocumentFormats Document Formats: .docs, .words, .vocabulary, etc.]

[wiki:completesearch/CharacterEncoding UTF-8 support for PHP (php_mbstring extension)]

[wiki:completesearch/PHPErrorReporting Error reporting / handling with PHP]

[wiki:completesearch/Php Problems with PHP]

[wiki:completesearch/Glossary Glossary of important terms in search engine technology]

Documentation (developers)

[wiki:completesearch/SourceCodeOverview Source code overview]

[http://search.mpi-inf.mpg.de/ir-www/doc Documentation produced by Doxygen]

[wiki:CodingConventions Coding Conventions] and [wiki:completesearch/DesignConventions OO and C++ Design Conventions]

[wiki:completesearch/ProblemsCompiling Typical problems compiling]

[wiki:completesearch/Debugging Debugging HowTo]

[wiki:completesearch/GNUBuildSystem Building with autoconf/automake] and [wiki:completesearch/CMakeBuildSystem Building with CMake]

[wiki:completesearch/MinGW Compiling under MinGW]

[wiki:completesearch/ExcerptGenerator Excerpt Generator requirements]

[wiki:completesearch/ExcerptGenerator/ThesisTopic Description for a Master's Thesis on Excerpt Generation] [wiki:Projects/ExcerptGeneration Excerpt Generation Project Overview]

[wiki:completesearch/Templates Template peculiarities in the CompleteSearch code]

[wiki:completesearch/CVSHistory CVS history (TODO: what's this; is it still used?)]

[wiki:completesearch/SyslogdAndLogrotate Using syslogd and logrotate to manage the server's log files]

[wiki:completesearch/UsefulLiterature (Secondary) literature that might be useful]

[wiki:completesearch/FirefoxBugAbsentCursor Missing cursor on form fields (Firefox bug)]

[wiki:completesearch/NotesToJavascript Problem including Javascript from external servers]

[wiki:completesearch/CSSBoxModel The CSS Box Model]

[wiki:completesearch/QuerySpecification Specification of queries (in German only)]

[wiki:completesearch/InitializationOfCompleteSearch The Initialization of CompleteSearch (in German only)]

[wiki:completesearch/WritingPortableCode Tips for writing portable code]

[wiki:completesearch/CompilingLinkingUnderWindows Compiling and linking against 3rd party libs under Windows (in German only)]

Introductions to testing with test frameworks: [wiki:completesearch/InstallingAndRunningGoogleTest GoogleTest] (the better one) and [wiki:completesearch/InstallingAndRunningCppUnit CppUnit] (the father of the aforementioned)


[wiki:completesearch/ApachePhpWindows Installing Apache + PHP under Windows to work with CompleteSearch]

[wiki:completesearch/SeleniumRC Testing with SeleniumRC]

[wiki:completesearch/ModPhpStartetExe Have a click on a link start a local application]

[wiki:completesearch/Examples Example programs etc.]

[wiki:completesearch/GettingStartedWithDocBook Getting Started With DocBook]


[wiki:completesearch/TODO TODO list]

[wiki:NewFeatures New Features that would be nice to have]

CompleteSearch: FrontPage (last edited 2017-03-19 13:30:19 by Hannah Bast)