AD Research Wiki:

Video Editing with Camtasia




Files:: Typically, there is a camtasia file (avi) and a video file (mts) for a single lecture. Copy avi and mts from the raid (\\atlantis\teaching) to render (for example, to E:\data\<course>\<lecture-X>\).


Camtasia Studio 8.6

Basic controls Ctrl+Mousewheel in the timeline: Zoom in/out the tracks. Video Editing It consist of 4 main steps, for each one there will be a small description and a video tutorial

Import files:

First we need to import the 3 files we prepared earlier: .mp4 .avi .jpg By clicking on button Medien Importieren or by pressing (ctrl + i). Then drag each one to a track (Spur) to be able to edit it

Audio Synchronization:

Zoom in tracks Look for the "Mark", "Slate" or "Filmklappe" in both .avi and .mp4 Drag the video tracks left or right to match the mark. “Note that the audio from .avi should have 00:00:00;02 delay” so if the mark starts in .mp4 video at 00:00:01;04, the .avi video should be dragged left or right so the mark is set to 00:00:01:06. Now select both .mp4 and .avi tracks and set the cursor where you need to cut and click on teilen, the icon next to the scissor Now select .mp4 track only and right click, select Video und Audio trennen, then delete the new created audio track.

Visual effects:

Fade in, fade out, Minimize and enlarge video: Under the Medienbibliothek click on more “mehr” then visual options “Visuelle Eigenschaften” now select the video you need to add the effect to, and click on add Animation “Animation einfügen” . Then a blue arrow will be added to the selected video track, the length of the track represents the duration of the transition for a unified design all visual effects must have the same duration “ 2 seconds is the usual duration”. Minimizing position: .mp4 (X: 619, Y: -341, scaling “skalierung” 37%). .avi (X: -278, Y: 28, scaling “skalierung” 107%). Transparency : Set Opacity “Deckkraft” to 60%.

Video production:

When finished click on “Produzieren und weitergeben” near Medien Importieren. Choose user defined properties. /next Mp4 - Smart Player (Flash / HTML5)./next Remove the check on produce with controller “mit Controller produzieren”, and set the size to 1920 x 1080 /next/ next Set the name and save folder / finish.

AD Research Wiki: HowTos/VideoEditingCamtasia (last edited 2016-08-01 15:07:33 by Alexander Monneret)